OK...i have both at home. 12PM takes a better quality picture than 11PM. Colors. Lighting. Exposure. Focus speed. All either slightly better to significantly better on 12 PM. Telephoto and ultra-wide are both superior on 12 PM.
However, when you pixel peep, 11PM either shows more details (in the clothing, eyelash, etc.) or same as 12PM. Trust me, i have taken lots of pictures! No sense in posting pics here since everything is compress.
Again, i am ONLY talking about indoor / low light (non-Night Mode) pics, where Deep Fusion kicks in. And ONLY talking about pixel peeping details. ONLY talking about the wide/main sensor...not ultra-wide nor telephoto lenses.
I am a bit shock because 12 PM has a bigger main sensor, 6 element lens for edge-to-edge clarity, and wider f/1.6 aperture. And yes, i know that bigger sensor has more depth of field...thus, blurrier around the subject...that is NOT what i am talking about. Just focusing on the subject (person or thing), there is just no improvement (and sometimes a tiny bit LESS) details in the 12PM pic than what 11PM puts out.
It is almost seems like 12PM processing went after noise reduction more aggressively and less aggressive on Deep Fusion processing to get every little detail out. I would be OK if the sensor size, lens quality, and f-stop were the same between the two...but it is not! 12PM specs are so superior that it kills me that 11PM can bring out so much details!
11PM Deep Fusion can REALLY bring out details across the frame!
Anyone else with both in their household notice this? Or is my 12PM is somehow weird? (And yes, being anal, i did check...no dust nor imperfection in the lenses.)
However, when you pixel peep, 11PM either shows more details (in the clothing, eyelash, etc.) or same as 12PM. Trust me, i have taken lots of pictures! No sense in posting pics here since everything is compress.
Again, i am ONLY talking about indoor / low light (non-Night Mode) pics, where Deep Fusion kicks in. And ONLY talking about pixel peeping details. ONLY talking about the wide/main sensor...not ultra-wide nor telephoto lenses.
I am a bit shock because 12 PM has a bigger main sensor, 6 element lens for edge-to-edge clarity, and wider f/1.6 aperture. And yes, i know that bigger sensor has more depth of field...thus, blurrier around the subject...that is NOT what i am talking about. Just focusing on the subject (person or thing), there is just no improvement (and sometimes a tiny bit LESS) details in the 12PM pic than what 11PM puts out.
It is almost seems like 12PM processing went after noise reduction more aggressively and less aggressive on Deep Fusion processing to get every little detail out. I would be OK if the sensor size, lens quality, and f-stop were the same between the two...but it is not! 12PM specs are so superior that it kills me that 11PM can bring out so much details!
11PM Deep Fusion can REALLY bring out details across the frame!
Anyone else with both in their household notice this? Or is my 12PM is somehow weird? (And yes, being anal, i did check...no dust nor imperfection in the lenses.)
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