I really like the form factor of the MB over the MBA/MBP. If I go for the 2017 maxed out (i7 1.4ghz/16gb ram) will my eGPU (chroma with rx 580) play smoothly? Will it be snappy?
Oh. That's a problem. We can close this threadThe Macbook doesn't have a THUNDERBOLT port (only USB 3.x type C) so no, it can not support an external GPU the way other macbook pros or airs can.
an eGPU will not work.
Oh. That's a problem. We can close this thread
Yeah, it's a problem, and i can't believe apple put out a laptop with the new type-C port, that doesn't support thunderbolt.
A selling point for Apple (they made a big deal about it) was that when USB 3 was new (back in 2011), ALL the ports on the macbook pro were the same and supported it. There was no confusion about which port to use, what supports what, etc.
And then they went and did that with the 12" macbook! Same shape port as the other macs. Totally different functionality!
It's all about design priorities. The 12" MacBook was designed to be ultra portable and silent (= fanless = low power). Intel did not offer a low power chip with thunderbolt. The MacBook Air has Thunderbolt (and a fan) if Thunderbolt is essential. There are no free lunches!