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jon Gotty

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 10, 2006
i have imoprted my website onto dreamweaver mx, from imageready.

i am trying to keep my nav bar the same on every page, but i am finding it very hard.

can someone show me how this is done. or do you know any good tutorials i can visit.

i heard that i would have to use php soloutions?????????? :confused:


macrumors newbie
Aug 25, 2006
Butters said:
Yeah, I thought we had just been here too! I stick by what I said in that thread, Server Side Includes are probably the method you want to go for and I see little point in us rehashing a tutorial on them in the thread here when the web is practically teaming with similar tutorials if you have a look around. At least read up on them and then I'll be happy to help more.
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