Oh no, not *that* guy! I think he needs help not sarcasm.
Having said that, kedaj probably hasn't discovered Google yet. "drying out Macbook Air"
Here's one of 60K+ hits:
Now, what I would do personally:
1) Disconnect Power
2) Dry external case with towels.
3) On an anti-static mat, with grounded tools, open up MBA for "surgery" look on ifixit.com for details
4) Disconnect battery immediately.
5) Unscrew all components necessary to lift out logic board clean.
6) Blow-dry (low heat) logic board on both sides on top of a dry towel.
7) Repeat for case interior, being careful not to use any heat to avoid damaging the battery pack.
Depending on which MBA you have the battery pack is more or less difficult to extrude. If it's the glued down version, I wouldn't bother removing it, otherwise do so and drying will be easier.
8) Reassemble and test. If still not working, repeat 1-7 and stick the logic board in a bucket of rice for 2 days.
9) If it still won't turn on, you've either messed up reassembly (sorry
or your board got fried the 1st time when the water spilled. There are new ones on eBay for less than Apple new.
Good luck.