Just wondering if anyone knows if Apple can track down my macbook that was stolen last Thursday from my house?
They have told me they can't, but I find that hard to believe. Surely when a person logs my computer onto the internet and it searches for software updates (which it does automatically) Apple could trace its location couldn't they??
I am sure everyone can hear the desperation in my typing....my Mac had all my photos and stuff on it and the AH stole it before I had a chance to back them up on my new iMac. I am desperate to get them back and am trying to exhaust all avenues....
Just wondering if anyone knows if Apple can track down my macbook that was stolen last Thursday from my house?
They have told me they can't, but I find that hard to believe. Surely when a person logs my computer onto the internet and it searches for software updates (which it does automatically) Apple could trace its location couldn't they??
I am sure everyone can hear the desperation in my typing....my Mac had all my photos and stuff on it and the AH stole it before I had a chance to back them up on my new iMac. I am desperate to get them back and am trying to exhaust all avenues....