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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 30, 2010

I got an iPhone 4G I bought like a month ago from the US. it came with iOS 4.1 and it's jailbroken but not unlocked.
My question is that my Mac OS is a bit laggy and i'm interested to format it and to install a Fresh Mac OS, Now i saved SHSH on my Tinyumberlla when i got my iPhone 4 and i believe i might need it for later, Is it possible to back up my SHSH Save on my TinyUmberlla so i will be able to use in it after the format on the new Mac OS?

Thank you so much for the helpers!


macrumors 6502a
Dec 15, 2009
You can copy the SHSH saved files, and then, put them in the same place after reformatting. Or, after your reformat, just have Tinyumbrella request / save the SHSH files again from Cydia.


macrumors 68000
Aug 31, 2009
England, UK
This is indeed possible, I did the same after buying a new iMac. Here's what I did - it does involve some terminal but only to show hidden files;

1. Press go to Applications/Utilities and open Terminal
2. Enter the following code into Terminal and hit enter:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
3. Now enter the following code and hit enter again:
killall Finder
4. Once Finder relaunches, go to /YourName (Home)
5. There's a hidden folder there called '.shsh'
6. Copy that folder to a memory pen or something external
7. Enter the following code into Terminal and hit enter:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
8. Now enter the following code and hit enter again:
killall Finder
9. Do your format/reinstall of Mac OS now
10. Follow steps 1-3 again on the new install of Mac OS
11. Go to your memory pen and find the '.shsh' folder
12. Copy the folder to your Home directory (/YourName)
13. Install TinyUmbrella and open it - it should find your saved SHSH blobs
14. Follow steps 7-8 again to hide hidden files/folders on your new Mac OS install.
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