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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 16, 2012
in windows you can set up an ad hoc connection so that you can connect one laptop to another and use the Internet connection of that laptop..

Will I be able to connect my iPad to that laptop that has this ad hoc connection so that i can surf using the Internet of he laptop ?


macrumors 6502
Dec 31, 2011
in windows you can set up an ad hoc connection so that you can connect one laptop to another and use the Internet connection of that laptop..

Will I be able to connect my iPad to that laptop that has this ad hoc connection so that i can surf using the Internet of he laptop ?

I know this may be dumb, but do you not have a wifi connection you can hook to? How is your laptop hooked to internet? If it is just a wired connection think about adding a wireless router and you can go the wifi route.

If I am missing something please forgive and disregard this post.

Have nice day,


macrumors 601
May 9, 2006
in windows you can set up an ad hoc connection so that you can connect one laptop to another and use the Internet connection of that laptop..

Will I be able to connect my iPad to that laptop that has this ad hoc connection so that i can surf using the Internet of he laptop ?

Yup, sure can.
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