I'm still using my late 2009 iMac on a daily basis. After 10 years, I'm starting to notice some issues and I'm considering to buy a new iMac.
My question is: can I expect a new iMac to last me another 10 years, or has the overall quality Apple puts out there declined since 2009? Thank you,
i dont subscribe to opinions claiming that apple is accidentally limiting product life cycle by inadequate attention to quality of its hardware.
at the same time, a lot of mac fans correctly complain (based on actual examples and actual facts) about "build quality".
apple has gotten amazingly good at building a very effective combined "hardware+ software life cycle."
apple's product and marketing strategy is seeing a path that is at least 5 years ahead. maybe longer.
depending on where you are in that 5 year path, the device you buy has at that point a "realistic life (which in my definition means ability to provide me with a quality
use experience that i
maxing out product specs at time of purchase has often provided me with the ability to really productively
use and enjoy my mac devices for around 4 to 5 years.
but i rarely enjoy using mac products any longer than that.
in yr case, you cite a 2009 iMac. presumably the macOS version is 10.11.6 for this machine.
to me, running macOS versions so old could not give me enough new features to make it worth it.
for me, a "build quality" that is reliable for around 5 years is what i want to pay for.
i dont want to pay for any longer than that, as i want to be running the latest software as well.
i think that asking for 10 years is unrealistic.