I just found a workaround that worked for me. All I had to do was go into Microsoft Access and export the file/s to an Excel format .xlsx
The following are the steps I took........ Hopefully this will help others with the same problem.
Connect an external hard drive, stick, etc. to your Windows PC
Open Access > Open a Database > Right mouse on file wanted > Export > Excel
A window will pop up asking you to specify a destination file name and format.
File Name: Browse/Choose a connected external hard drive, stick, etc.
File Format: Under the drop-down arrow choose; Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)
Specify export options:
Check – Export data with formatting and layout.
Click OK
Note: You can save these steps if wanted in a following window pop up.
Click Close
Eject/Disconnect external hard drive, stick, etc. and connect to your Mac
Open Numbers > File > New > Layout if wanted > File > External hard drive, stick, etc > Dbl click on your .xlsx file.
Your Access file will now open in Numbers.
I’m not sure of all the functionality yet, but you can access the rows and sort along with editing them.