so why limit yourself to a USB powered display?
There are some, sure. Google "USB Powered Display" for some examples. But what's the point? It's not a portable computer, it requires AC power - so why limit yourself to a USB powered display?
The less cables the better haha especially with my set up.
Honesty can’t wait until all non-power cables are wireless. Like universal wireless hdmi maybe the next Bluetooth generation? Or the one after that.
Solves the need for dongles too. Does anyone know of any news of people working on this? Is it even possible to get same speed and latency as cables? Are there physics limitations? Because everything on my desk is so close doesn’t need that much range.
Awesome thanks for the info!There are plenty of consumer wireless HDMI solutions, but they aren't going to reliably do 4K@60FPS (especially not without compression and latency), there just isn't enough bandwidth.
With respect to the physics - is it possible to get the same speed and latency as cables? In theory, yes, especially compared to where we are right now with typical cables. Visible light is in the hundreds of terahertz so it has HUGE bandwidth available, plenty enough to carry everything we could conceivably want in the next decade.
The limitations of using light for signaling are pretty obvious, however there is active research being done on this front for future WiFi standards and other applications. There have been military (and some commercial) applications of point-to-point signaling with lasers for a long time now.
Vaya con Dios then. But you're limiting yourself to smaller, more expensive displays. For me, I'll keep my power cableThe less cables the better haha especially with my set up.
get a GOOD power strip/surge supressor with 6-8 outlets, spaced so that you can use power blocks in all of them if need be...