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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 15, 2001
hey.. i'm taking chemistry right now, and i'm wondering if there's an app for Mac OS X or 9 that will show me Lewis Dot Structure Diagrams... and maybe serve my food :rolleyes: ;)
well.. thanx for ur help... ttyl


macrumors 68000
Jan 22, 2003
In your head.
I took and passed the first part of inorganic chem by using my Mac. The book I had came with a CD Rom of the book, which I had my Mac read to me. It also came with links to a website wich contained a Java program that tested and showed how Lewis Dot Structures are generated. See if your textbook offers the same. The website registration code was hidden on a bookmark in the middle of the book.

Thought for the tests, wouldn't doing it the old pencle and paper way help with learning Lewis Dot Structures.

Some Links:

I hope that this helped.
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