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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 30, 2015
Long Beach, California
I have a MacBook Air that I bought in July 2013. It's my primary computer and it runs faster than when it was new, I love it. But lately I've been feeling like the viewing angle on the LCD is getting worse and worse. I don't remember it ever being this yellow/brown at an angle. I don't think it's my imagination. Has anyone else experienced this?


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macrumors 6502a
Apr 24, 2006
As I have aged, I definitely look worse from certain viewing angles. ;)

In all seriousness, those photos look worse than I would expect, but it's hard to tell these things in photos. Do you have OSX's night shift or Nocturne enabled?

It's also certainly possible that your display backlight is starting to fail.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 30, 2015
Long Beach, California
As I have aged, I definitely look worse from certain viewing angles. ;)

In all seriousness, those photos look worse than I would expect, but it's hard to tell these things in photos. Do you have OSX's night shift or Nocturne enabled?

It's also certainly possible that your display backlight is starting to fail.
Turned out that it was a software glitch where nightshift was showing as off but was actually on. Once the computer went to sleep and came back on it was fine again. Hopefully apple works that out.
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