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macrumors G3
Original poster
Jan 26, 2008
Isla Nublar
It's no secret these forums are completely miserable as of late. It's nothing but a ton of people coming in to do nothing but complain about what they've bought or pile on the "bitching" bandwagon and it's making this site just completely annoying to come to anymore.

Can we please have an "issues" thread or subform where all threads related to problems go? Like a "MacBook Issues/Complaints" or "iPhone Issues/Complaints" that way we can keep all of that clutter out of the main threads?
It's no secret these forums are completely miserable as of late. It's nothing but a ton of people coming in to do nothing but complain about what they've bought or pile on the "bitching" bandwagon and it's making this site just completely annoying to come to anymore.

Can we please have an "issues" thread or subform where all threads related to problems go? Like a "MacBook Issues/Complaints" or "iPhone Issues/Complaints" that way we can keep all of that clutter out of the main threads?
Wouldn't that same sort of "complaining" or "bitching" (which has really been around for a long time) end up in such "Complaints" sub forums as well?
Yep, that's the point, get it all in one sub.

Not all complaints come about as a result of "bitching". Sometimes people complain if something has gone wrong, or appears to have broken, or simply doesn't work on what was an expensive - and brand new - device.

If I am looking for advice on a new device - and I used to read the MBA section of the forums avidly on this forum in the days when the MBA was a new and exciting computer - I expect to be able to read accounts of ownership that are both positive and negative.

Reading posts about computers, devices and phones that are solely positive are missing the point, and run the risk of coming across as though they are advertising for the company in question; I can already read that if I consult a company's website.

On a forum such as this, I want to read authentic and accurate feedback, - reviews that are both positive and negative - as that will inform my own responses, and may have an influence on whether I choose to buy that product eventually.

Moreover, leaving whatever 'complaints' (or problems) have been posted in the sections dedicated to the respective product or device (rather than in an echo chamber, or ghetto devoted to 'complaints') one may receive advice on how to deal with a problem or complaint, which one will most likely never receive (as many posters may never visit it) in a ghetto or attic marked "complaints".

Therefore, to put all of the 'complaints' into a ghetto marked 'complaints' runs the risk of leaving the remainder of the forum unnaturally positive, creates an unusually negative feedback echo chamber in the putative complaints section, and would, possibly ensure that while complaints were vented , much of the rest of the forum might not be made a aware of issues of quality or concern that may have arisen as these are no longer part of much of the mainstream of the forum.
We've been consolidating forums and trying to streamline things. Having a separate sub forum might lessen the chance a person gets actual help from another user. It happens sometimes :D.
Yep, that's the point, get it all in one sub.
Well, that would likely also get threads about actual complaints regarding issues people have and not just general "bitching" too, so the main forum and the subforum would still basically be a mix of both.
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Where would we draw the line? I can see a member needing help on a given problem, but he/she also vents and complains. I can see him/her posting a few times complaining as they try to deal with the issue. Should that go in the complaining subforum?

I'll take the MBP as a prime example, nearly all of the complaints stem from actual problems. I can see moving threads into a complaining subforum be the kiss of death for any hopes to actually receiving help.

What about people posting their opinions that they think the butterfly keyboard is horrible, but the new keyboard is better or vice versa (we actually have threads there hating and loving both keyboards). I think allowing people to express their opinions in an open fashion is conducive to helping them. A complaining subforum will have a chilling effect on dialogue and discussions, and instead, just turn into rants.

I also like to think that the vocal nature of some of the discussions helped make things right. In a small way, we here at MR were part of a larger collection of people who largely united on the complaints regarding the butterfly keyboard and that helped prompt change from Apple.

Relegating those discussions would have had negative repercussions IMO.
I think it'd be better if Apple sees all the issues and complaints and fixes them..

Just because people are upset and complaining doesn't mean they are wrong and/or there aren't real actual issues with the products.

I mean - how sure are we that Apple would have finally replaced the Butterfly keyboards without all the uproar on forums and podcasts and prominent people tweeting and articles in mainstream publications?

Pressure matters and public pressure is about the only leverage anyone has vs a behemoth like Apple.
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I think it'd be better if Apple sees all the issues and complaints and fixes them..

Just because people are upset and complaining doesn't mean they are wrong and/or there aren't real actual issues with the products.

I mean - how sure are we that Apple would have finally replaced the Butterfly keyboards without all the uproar on forums and podcasts and prominent people tweeting and articles in mainstream publications?

Pressure matters and public pressure is about the only leverage anyone has vs a behemoth like Apple.
While there's certainly something to all of that, hard to really say what sort of an effect having an additional subforum within a forum on a mostly enthusiast type of web site would have (most likely the difference would effectively be pretty much non-existent).
While there's certainly something to all of that, hard to really say what sort of an effect having an additional subforum within a forum on a mostly enthusiast type of web site would have (most likely the difference would effectively be pretty much non-existent).

There's just no need to bury legitimate issues is my point.

The visibility of them in the main flow - matters..

Apple employees read and participate here.
I know that 100% - can't say more than that
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