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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 1, 2008
On The Nickel, over there....
I've skipped Lion and ML. My iMac is capable of running Mavericks. Does anyone know yet if you can go from SL to M? After hearing if the initial reports of Mavericks GM are good, I may just upgrade.

Walter White

macrumors regular
May 19, 2013
I've skipped Lion and ML. My iMac is capable of running Mavericks. Does anyone know yet if you can go from SL to M? After hearing if the initial reports of Mavericks GM are good, I may just upgrade.

Why not? It's going to be distributed through App Store and SL has the App store.


Nov 25, 2012
United States
I don't see why not as long as your Mac meets or exceeds the minimum required machine specs. You should know that the Mavericks GM isn't out yet, it's only a Developer Preview which is unfinished and unless you're a Developer making apps for the Mac it's best for you to wait until the retail version hits the streets. Also unless you're a Developer you won't receive the software updates in the DP version nor will you receive the GM...unless.


macrumors 68040
Jun 26, 2009
Burpelson AFB
Yes, you can. The only problem is if you are running a lot of software that won't run on Lion or Mountain Lion. The upgrade goes well, it's just the third party apps that threw fits in my case.

After that experience I decided to create a thumb drive installer for Mavericks and did a clean install.
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