How to securely delete pictures from iPhoto
Yes, there is a way to securely delete photos in iPhoto.
I have tested this method.
First of all, DO NOT use the iPhoto trash can to delete photos that you want to securely delete. A tech savvy person possibly could recover the files.
Note 1: I used iPhoto ’08 for this method. Other versions may have different commands.
Note 2: iPhoto commands and Finder commands are in bold.
Note 3: Always Quit iPhoto before deleting or swapping files from your iPhoto Library using the Finder.
Step 1: Take a small screenshot of a section of your Mac Desktop. (This will be the file you will swap for original files.)
Step 2: Open iPhoto
Step 3: Locate the picture you want to delete
Step 4: From the file menu, choose “Export...”
Step 5: From the pop-up window, choose “Kind: Current”
Step 6: Also choose “File Name: Use filename”
Step 7: Click on the “Export” button (or hit return on your keyboard)
Step 8: From the next popup window, copy the file name from the “Save As” text
Step 9: Close the popup window. (Click on the “OK” button if you want a copy of the picture to help your memory.)
Step 10: Quit iPhoto
Step 11: Perform a search of the file name on your computer. Each iPhoto picture contains two files in the iPhoto Library: one in the Originals folder, and on in the Data folder. From the Finder, Get Info on both files (or press the tab bar on your keyboard) to ensure you have the correct files.
Step 12: From the Finder, Open Enclosing Folder for both files.
Step 13: From the Finder, locate the screenshot you took earlier, and select its name.
Step 14: Paste, to replace the screenshot name with the picture name from iPhoto.
Step 15: From the Finder, drag both files (the “Originals” file and the “Data" File) to the Trash, then Secure Empty Trash...
Step 16: Copy the screenshot file to both iPhoto folders you deleted the files from (option drag it).
Step 17: Open iPhoto. The deleted picture has been replaced with the screenshot picture, but with the same name. Delete this picture using iPhoto to avoid confusion between swapped pictures.
Step 18: Repeat Steps 3-17 for each picture you want to securely delete.