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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 26, 2020
Hi All.

Worse case scenario:
The new iPhone 13 gets damaged, and needs to be sent away for a repair - What do you do in the interval, before you get a replacement iPhone 13?

Instant temporary phone replacement?:

2 Questions:

Q1) Could I simply stick a working SIM into the old iPhone, and start using that iPhone?

Q2) Also, if I keep my old SE2020 iCloud sync'ed up - Is that all the basic data I would need for calls, emails, notes etc?
- Or would I be missing other important 'Apple' data?
- I have been using iPhones since the 3GS, so I've got my diary and address book, Notes etc. all in the apple eco system.

Hope you can advise.



macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 26, 2020
and if both phones have everything synced to iCloud- then they’ll both have the identical data on them since the data is actually on iCloud and not the phones.

Thanks - that's really good to know.

I normally run my iPhones into the ground before getting a new one. So it is a real luxury to still have a decent working one in the house as a backup.

If I do finally take the plunge for an expensive iPhone 13 mini - I won't worry so much if something goes astray and it needs to be sent away.

Best Wishes

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The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
I plan to get the SE if it's cheaper and have it as my backup phone. I tend to sell my iPhone a few months before the new one to get more value so will use the backup for those two months.
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