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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 13, 2013
I have a brand new 2018 MacBook Pro 15 inch and I downloaded macOS Mojave. For some reason, brightness is still at full. When I try to adjust it, the bars tick down but brightness does not change. After exiting the brightness adjustment and going back in, it shows the brightness as full again. Has anyone else encountered this issue? I've tried resetting SMC, NVRAM, and PRAM and nothing did the trick. Please help!
Have you tried in a more dimly lit room? It shouldn't make a difference, but try it to be sure. If it's still the same, sounds like a visit to the shop to me.
Have you tried in a more dimly lit room? It shouldn't make a difference, but try it to be sure. If it's still the same, sounds like a visit to the shop to me.

It makes no difference. My research suggest maybe the kext is broken but that's too far advance for me to fix.
Did you try it before migrating? Did the brightness work then? If so, and if the machine you migrated from had some changes in kexts or other system changes, you might want to reinstall the machine from scratch and work from there.
I wonder if it's because I used migration assistant to transport my stuff.
I suspect that's the case, try wiping the machine and reinstalling macOS

btw, I'm able to adjust the brightness on my 2018 MBP
I think this is a known issue with the new Macbooks and Mojave. Likely because the T2 chip is controlling it, which is different from the previous models

edit: ah yes, read it here:
I completely missed that the OP installed Mojave. I was using Mojave on my iMac and it corrupted my drives, so the point where I needed to reformat and reinstall. I opted to go back to HS and not mess with the beta. So with my MBP, it was a no-brainer - me no touch Mojave
It's a known issue mentioned in release notes that brightness and GPU switching are broken on Mojave on 2018 laptops. best wait for next beta.
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