Tried it all, did not work, I have repeatedly clicked allow in the settings, but the button does not really do anything, does not give me any indication that my clicked approval went through.
Are there any apps or any way to really examine my external hard drives for problems before they fail? It seems most hard drive apps only work for internal boot drives.
I found this article;, and while it is not for diskdrive x, it covers the same thing about allowing 3rd party extensions. In the article, it shows, when one clicks on the approve button, they get a little window message that says "Enabling this system software requires a restart" I never get that message, I just keep clicking on the approve button, and nothing seems to happen. I have also made sure I have unlocked the little padlock icon on the bottom left of the preferences pane to enter my password to unlock, so I can make nay changes.
It seems there is a problem here, but I cannot seem to get it to approve, and then load the driver at restart.
Maybe this is simply not compatible with my mac, and not possible to work? I am on a cMP, 5,1 running high sierra 10.13.6.
I have reinstalled this driver about 3-4 times now, and restarted 2 or 3 times now, and nothing is working.
Here is another screenshot of what I have now;
when Install the extension, I do not get a blocked extension popup message, the installer just says that the app was installed successfully. I then go into system preferences to see that it has been blocked, and for me to approve, but when I click the approve button, nothing happens, and it is still being blocked even though it showed as installed. I am not prompted for any restarts.
I wonder if this is just a lost cause, I will never get the full functionality of this app for external hard drives. I have looked online at this, and it seems to be a specific problem with high sierra, with no real solutions. Maybe I need to update to Mojave. The only reason I have been hanging to High Sierra is because it was the last known fully compatible modern os that works with the older version of Adobe CS6. I would update my computer, but fear it will break the functionality of my expensive older Adobe software installed on it.
I may even get a new computer, it might be time, as the one I am on now is a decade old. This is very important to me to be able to monitor my external hard drives, they have a lot of valuable data on them. I have read that high sierra has been problematic with external hard drives as well.