Brief summary. Partner and I own two 2017 iMacs. Yesterday I wanted to clean install both. 21inch iMac, cmd + option + r, delete partition, reinstall latest version of macOS with internet recovery.
Now I go to my iMac, 2017 27inch. Same steps, cmd + option + r, delete drive, install macOS. “Installation requires downloading important content. That content can't be downloaded at this time. Try again later." I followed all the instructions”.
This makes zero sense. The only difference between the install is her iMac is on WiFi when downloading macOS. My Mac is hardwired with Ethernet.
So this morning I spent two hours on the phone with AppleCare. A senior advisor seemed to have no interest in helping me over the phone, wanted me to format it as APFS even when I stated multiple times I have a fusion drive. Then they wanted me to run terminal with diskutil commands and erase partitions. When it failed multiple times he stated my fusion drive must be ‘toast’ and to just go to my local store for help. Except I don’t have a local store, it’s hours away.
From research this seems to be an Apple server error, it an issue on my end. Any ideas?
Now I go to my iMac, 2017 27inch. Same steps, cmd + option + r, delete drive, install macOS. “Installation requires downloading important content. That content can't be downloaded at this time. Try again later." I followed all the instructions”.
This makes zero sense. The only difference between the install is her iMac is on WiFi when downloading macOS. My Mac is hardwired with Ethernet.
So this morning I spent two hours on the phone with AppleCare. A senior advisor seemed to have no interest in helping me over the phone, wanted me to format it as APFS even when I stated multiple times I have a fusion drive. Then they wanted me to run terminal with diskutil commands and erase partitions. When it failed multiple times he stated my fusion drive must be ‘toast’ and to just go to my local store for help. Except I don’t have a local store, it’s hours away.
From research this seems to be an Apple server error, it an issue on my end. Any ideas?
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