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Original poster
Nov 18, 2008
You can no longer "save as" in Preview 5.5 which is the Lion version. This is absolutely stupid. I should be able to save a new copy if I feel like it. Crap like this pisses me off. :mad:

Why the hell would they think we'd no longer want to "save as"? They have a new duplicate option, but there isn't a KB shortcut for it. Hello missing workflow! :mad:

Anyone see any other apps with "save as" removed?


macrumors 68040
Mar 13, 2007
You can no longer "save as" in Preview 5.5 which is the Lion version. This is absolutely stupid. I should be able to save a new copy if I feel like it. Crap like this pisses me off. :mad:

Why the hell would they think we'd no longer want to "save as"? They have a new duplicate option, but there isn't a KB shortcut for it. Hello missing workflow! :mad:

Anyone see any other apps with "save as" removed?

Do: File -> Duplicate

That will create a new version to save as.



Original poster
Nov 18, 2008
I know I get all that.

My point is Apple doe not think about users of it's OS. They change little nickel and dime things around that make a simple process more complicated. Now I have to spend time with a work around.


macrumors 68040
Feb 20, 2004
My point is Apple doe not think about users of it's OS. They change little nickel and dime things around that make a simple process more complicated. Now I have to spend time with a work around.

Apple have made a radical change with regard to the document model in Lion. It will take some time getting used to it.


Original poster
Nov 18, 2008
I'm pretty sure you can assign a KB shortcut to Duplicate.

It not just the keyboard shortcut the option does not function the same. It's lame.

if you create a duplicate it pops it up in front of you which is fine, but then you have to save a version and every time you have to go through the finder and select the damn folder you want. it does not remember the last folder you saved in. So irritating. Try it yourself. It's not the same as save as.


macrumors 68030
Feb 26, 2011
Cincinnati, OH
It not just the keyboard shortcut the option does not function the same. It's lame.

if you create a duplicate it pops it up in front of you which is fine, but then you have to save a version and every time you have to go through the finder and select the damn folder you want. it does not remember the last folder you saved in. So irritating. Try it yourself. It's not the same as save as.

I've been using versions of Lion since April. I understand your worries. If you are not happy or it does not work for you go back to SL if needed.


macrumors 68040
Feb 20, 2004
I think you should at least try to use it for a while before you start sending negative feedback.


macrumors 68030
Feb 26, 2011
Cincinnati, OH
Dear lord, HOW is this a good idea ? If I had known that...
Just checked Pages, same thing :mad:

With Versions you really don't need a Save As, you just go back in time if you need a change. If you want to save the document in another location, choose Duplicate. Just a different name for it. It still opens a dialog box so you can "save " it to a new location.


Original poster
Nov 18, 2008
With Versions you really don't need a Save As, you just go back in time if you need a change. If you want to save the document in another location, choose Duplicate. Just a different name for it. It still opens a dialog box so you can "save " it to a new location.

it does not work the same. I've tried it. it takes too long and it does not save back into the folder where you original file is located. You have to navigate back through the finder each time.

The duplicate also screws up and will override the file you don't want to change.

Only a person that uses Save As in their workflow would understand.
Last edited:


macrumors 68030
Jul 11, 2008
I just now realized they got rid of the Save as option and I'm pissed. Using this made my workflow so much faster. Now it seems like they are just slowing me down, just like with Mission Control!!!

Apple really screwed up with this. All of the productivity features in SL are gone and it really slows people down.


Original poster
Nov 18, 2008
I just now realized they got rid of the Save as option and I'm pissed. Using this made my workflow so much faster. Now it seems like they are just slowing me down, just like with Mission Control!!!

Apple really screwed up with this. All of the productivity features in SL are gone and it really slows people down.

I'm pissed too! that's why I started this thread! Send them a feedback!


macrumors 68030
Feb 26, 2011
Cincinnati, OH
it does not work the same. I've tried it. it takes too long and it does not save back into the folder where you original file is located. You have to navigate back through the finder each time.

The duplicate also screws up and will override the file you don't want to change.

Only a person that uses Save As in their workflow would understand.

Ok. Each time a new OS is released not everyone will be happy. It's understandable.


macrumors 68030
Jul 11, 2008
I really don't get how can a feature which automatically saves every version of your work, therefore releasing you from having to "save" or "save as", be considered to slow someone down.

Take me for example.

Whenever I turn in an assignment, I always take the .txt template the professor gave, and then put my stuff where it needs to go. So then when I am done, I have an edited version of the original template that I just go and click "Save as" and make that my turn in file. That way I don't save over the original template and I would always do that in TextEdit.

Now, instead of just starting right away, I have to go up to the menu, find duplicate, and click that. Then it keeps the old one open, so I go and close that next. Then I can finally start typing. Then when I am done, I save it and choose the directory for it to go in. This takes more time than just typing and using the keyboard shortcut for save as. Also, there is no keyboard shortcut for duplicate, kinda dumb if you ask me. Sure, you can go make one in System preferences, but then wouldn't you have to make the shortcut for every application that supports autosave?

To me, Lion is a step backwards. Also, it is an OS geared towards laptops, not desktops. I am a huge believe in keyboard shortcuts because they make things so much faster. Having to use the mouse can seriously slow people down. The first second can sometimes be used just to find where your cursor is. Then you move the mouse, and the closer you get to the target, the slower you go because you don't want to miss the button. Then you click. But if you miss the button, you gotta go back searching for it again and click again. Sure, it may not be like a big deal to some, but if you are a more advanced user who knows all the keyboard shortcuts and use them all the time, you will notice how it slows you down.

EDIT: You can go into system preferences and create the "Duplicate" shortcut for All applications. But the fact that you have to go in and add a keyboard shortcut, well that just shouldn't happen. Not to mention now I just hope that doesn't interfere with other keyboard shortcuts in other applications.


macrumors 601
Jan 11, 2007
North Central Florida
I really don't get how can a feature which automatically saves every version of your work, therefore releasing you from having to "save" or "save as", be considered to slow someone down.

Now I'm not using it at the moment, but here is where I'm using save as. I type a not to the school with the kids bus/car riding schedule for the week. I type it for one child, do a save as and put in the other child's name.

I need that saved in two files, not trying to sort out which version I need again.

Or I'm doing a digital scrapbook page, reach how I want it, save as and create different files for each kid.

Save as to me creates a TANGENT file, similar using a base, but goes in a different direction. Having to finagle my way back to where the version is saved so they all stay together.... Sounds tedious and unnecessary.
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