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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 15, 2010
I'm unable to send any email on my iphone 4s. i already had this problem on the iphone 4 but it seems to persist despite getting a new phone. i know that my username and password is correct...

anyone else got this error before?
yes :( in fact, the mail app is able to fetch my mail, but i am unable to send any..
Is this via iCloud? Saw the same error yesterday... had to enter a different address from the SMTP server rather than the default iCloud smtp that it gave me. rather than (or something similar) worked in my case.
Just because you can receive means nothing because you can specify a different server, username and password for outgoing mail.
Same problem here: receive/no send

All settings same as with iPhone 4.
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if it's icloud - I had this issue throughout the beta testing period - it'll go away after a while - not ideal, but nothing you can do about it - try submitting a bug report to apple.
I've been having the same problem with my yahoo business emails.
now my phone wont even connect to my emails. this is frustrating..
Found a fix for mine...

When going from 4 to 4S, you have to enter 2 passwords:

Incoming Mail Server is one the first mail account page, the one where you can toggle the account On or Off.

Scroll down to Outgoing Mail Server .... see the arrow to the right?

Clicking it brings you to a SMPT page, where you can activate one or more outgoing servers by clicking on, for instance:

and entering your password again for that account.

Account will be verified & voila! :D
Found a fix for mine...

When going from 4 to 4S, you have to enter 2 passwords:

Incoming Mail Server is one the first mail account page, the one where you can toggle the account On or Off.

Scroll down to Outgoing Mail Server .... see the arrow to the right?

Clicking it brings you to a SMPT page, where you can activate one or more outgoing servers by clicking on, for instance:

and entering your password again for that account.

Account will be verified & voila! :D

It isn't working for me.. :(

i input host name as
user name and pass as my email id and pass
set SSL to on,
authentication to password
and server port to 587

still doesn't work..
My solution was to keep deleting it, and adding it again, it worked after a couple times. and that's what yahoo suggests to do. keep trying
try this

Ok I think I may have a solution..this is what I tried and it worked.

go to :settings
then Mail,Contacts,Calenders
then to the email account thats unable to send
then at the bottom ADVANCED
then near the bottom there should be a S/MIME turn it on

this is what I did and it worked !


By the way I was having problems with my hotmail account. I never had a problem with my Gmail
I was getting this message with my email account (who goes through outlook)...this was happening about 3 times a week and would come and go

Here's how I fixed it:

When in your mail settings, for the outgoing server, even though it says username/password is optional, type your username and password in.

I haven't had an issue since (about 3 weeks)

i was able to solve this with iphone 4, iOS 5.1.1 by re-entering my hotmail account password on the following screen:

"Settings" -->
"Mail, Contacts, Calendars" -->
<select affected mail account, e.g.> -->
select SMTP server (scroll down to "Outgoing Mail Server" section; the SMTP server for hotmail is '') -->
select SMTP server again (under "Primary Server" section at top; this should be marked as 'On') -->
on this screen, delete whatever is entered under "Password" and re-enter your login password for the account; when you click "Done" at the top of the keyboard, it will show a series of checkmarks next to each field to let you know the outgoing smtp server configuration is correct. -->

send a test message from your account to another account to verify that all is well.

try this

Ok I think I may have a solution..this is what I tried and it worked.

go to :settings
then Mail,Contacts,Calenders
then to the email account thats unable to send
then at the bottom ADVANCED
then near the bottom there should be a S/MIME turn it on

this is what I did and it worked !


By the way I was having problems with my hotmail account. I never had a problem with my Gmail

Thank you This worked but I wonder why the problem started in the first place and affected my iPad but not computer? Bettina
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