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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2013
I'm having problems trying to delete my bootcamp partition. It gives me an error when I try to remove it. I also tried to remove it by booting the mac into recovery and using disk utility there. It says the partition can't be removed because it cant be resized.

Below is an imgur album full of screenshots from my mac as well as diskutil info.

Thanks for the help.


macrumors regular
Oct 10, 2016
I've had this issue and I had to format the partitions associated with Windows via terminal to HFS+ to get it to allow me to unify partitions (including a hidden one).

something along the lines of "sudo diskutil eraseVolume JHFS+ New /dev/diskXsY"

Use "diskutil list" to find a list of partitions and the appropriate values to sub for X and Y (Just don't use on your Mac boot volumes) X will likely be 0 if it's an internal drive.

Then use disk utility to remove the HFS partitions and merge them with your main boot part.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2013
Still not working out. The "-" sign is grayed out. In recovery mode it says that the first partition can not be resized.


macrumors 65816
Sep 15, 2013
Still not working out. The "-" sign is grayed out. In recovery mode it says that the first partition can not be resized.

If your Mac supports it, boot into Internet Recovery and reformat the BOOTCAMP partition as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). You may have to use Command + Option + R to get to Sierra.


macrumors regular
Jun 5, 2017
Just to verify - you've already tried using the bootcamp utility to merge the bootcamp partition with your main one, right? I had an issue where I couldn't delete my Bootcamp partition and that worked for me.
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