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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 31, 2020
First off I have been working on Windows computers for over 30 years. I have been on and off for 3 months trying to install OS on a MBP I was given.
Serial C1MKC42HDTY4 think it's a 2012
I have tried internet recovery it does Mountain Lion, partitioned and formatted the drive many times (tried numerous SSD drives and formatting ) I get the message above after a period of time.

I tried other higher OS's on a USB they stop after a few minutes, tried Mountain Lion on USB it worked after resetting the PRAM then
I get the same message: Can't download the additional components needed to install Mac OS X.
I used Transmac to format and restore OS onto USB

It's a really nice MBP do I have to junk it.
Try using the Terminal to set an older date as the security certificate for old Mac OS has expired
If installer won't run because of expired certificate, try opening terminal and entering this command to "set the date back":

date 010112002019
(note the space character between "date" and the number)
Thanks for the replies

On the MBP I am working on it has no OS I was booting from USB I do have another older MB with SL can I use that
so basically I have to turn back the date on the ML installer on USB stick.
I think it would be an old version ML I am using as I did not get it directly from Apple
A 2012 MBP ought to be able to boot to INTERNET recovery (this is NOT "the recovery partition).

You may need your wifi password and it will take some time for the utilities to load.
Then I'd try setting back the clock with terminal, and see what OS the installer offers...
Be sure to try an ethernet connection to your router. Wifi sometimes is a bit "troublesome" when downloading the installer files. Try a wired connection, which might get you what you need.
I did that a few times it offered ML each time I will try setting time back first in terminal

in terminal it said time was jan 30 2019 I changed it to jan 30 2018 then started to install ML got same error message

Went into terminal again and put in correct date then tried internet recovery it gave me Catalina after some time got error -- the operation couldn't be completed pkdownloaderror error 8
I think it has something to do with no internet connection I am using wired.

I have another mac can I get any OS from the App Store an earlier version, or can only get what you have had before this is worse than communist Russia
Max out the memory (16GB) on your mid 2012 MBPro.
Install Mojave (macOS 10.14.6) on an SSD.
That should do it.

If you have disturbed the SATA ribbon cable a few times during your testing, I would suggest also replacing that. (The SATA cable can be quite fragile, and can cause very strange problems, particularly with SSDs.)
OP wrote:
"I think it has something to do with no internet connection I am using wired"

If you are "using wired" (ethernet), you STILL HAVE "an internet connection".

"I have another mac can I get any OS from the App Store an earlier version, or can only get what you have had before this is worse than communist Russia"

Use this "second Mac" to download the OS you want.

I'd suggest "Mojave" (10.14)

Then, get a USB flashdrive, 16gb or larger.

Then, create a BOOTABLE USB flashdrive with the installer on it.
I'd suggest trying either "Diskmaker X" or "Install Disk Creator" for this job.
Both are free.
They make creating the install USB easy, with just a few clicks of the mouse.

Then, boot the 2012 MBP using the USB flash drive.
You do this by pressing the power on button, then holding down the OPTION key continuously until the startup manager appears.
Select the USB flashdrive with the pointer and click ok.

If the installer shows up, DON'T RUN IT YET.
Instead, quit the installer and open disk utility.
Important: GO TO THE VIEW MENU, and choose SHOW ALL DEVICES.
You should now see the "physical drive" in the MBP "on the left".
Click it and ERASE IT to:
"Mac OS extended with journaling enabled, GUID partition format".

Quit disk utility, reopen the OS installer, and try again.
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