Writing a little script for backing up my Minecraft saves. It zips up the directory and retitles it with current date a time. Only, it doesn't work.
I'm sure there are a bunch of POSIX commands lacking and other such bumpf... any help though?
Thanks in advance!
It spits out an error to the tune of "zip error: Nothing to do!"
I'm sure there are a bunch of POSIX commands lacking and other such bumpf... any help though?
Thanks in advance!
set timeStamp to do shell script "/bin/date +%d/%m/%Y_%T"
set ZIPfile to quoted form of (timeStamp & ".zip")
set saveFolder to alias "Users:Hermes:Library:Application Support:minecraft:saves"
display dialog "Do you want to backup your world(s) first?" buttons {"No, just play", "Yes, please!"}
if result = {button returned:"No, just play"} then
tell application "Minecraft" to activate
else if result = {button returned:"Yes, please"} then
end if
do shell script "zip -r -j " & ZIPfile & "" & saveFolder
tell application "Minecraft" to activate
It spits out an error to the tune of "zip error: Nothing to do!"
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