Yes, I use the custom settings thingy for setting up a folder of my favorite photographic images to use as my cycling watch face and truly enjoy it. If someone sends me a text with video or even more than one photo I just skip trying to look at that right then and wait until I'm on my phone or iPad or near my computer. Usually it's not something all that important and often some junk about which I really don't care anyway. Someone sending me a stupid cat video isn't worth even three seconds of my attention and I'm sure not going to try and watch that on my Apple Watch! It doesn't get watched on any of my other devices either.
I agree that the watch is great when I'm driving somewhere and my iPhone is in my purse, out of reach and someone sends me an email. I can quickly glance at my watch on my wrist and determine if it is something important or just some casual message or possibly a default standard one from one of my banks. If it's important, I pull over at a safe place and then attend to the message and if need be, respond to it. if it's clearly not important, I simply keep on driving and at least I'm not wondering about who or what entity sent me an email.....