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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Feb 4, 2009
Upstate NY
Running Mac OS X Lion and I can't save any images, files, create new folders or even take screenshots in any folder! This is ridiculous! I get "unexpected error (error code -50)" when I try and create a folder ANYWHERE and I get "You don't have permission to save screenshots where screenshots are saved"...well I looked it up and I learned that some others had similar issues a few years back related to permissions, I already figured it was permissions but changing permissions on the specific folders down to the SSD and user folder and desktop did nothing, it was already set as read and write anyways. I tried clicking the unlock button and unlocked it but nothing. This is ridiculous I have 15gigs of space and work to do and I get this BS error...any help? Thanks in advance!
Try booting from the CD, then run disk utilities, fix permissions from there. I don't think you can properly fix permissions on an active boot disk.
Or thumb drive or another disk
Try booting from the CD, then run disk utilities, fix permissions from there. I don't think you can properly fix permissions on an active boot disk.
Or thumb drive or another disk

Does that mean run disk utility and fix permissions with the CD for install in or what? I'm running the OS off the active boot disk. Why would this issue magically pop up if I'm the administrator account?

I don't follow...Does this mean I have to delete my hard drive? I'm in the middle of a project and I have like zero space on my scratch drive that I would normally use for back up...I'd preferably not like to have to delete everything if its a simple issue. For the record if I reboot it takes a while to load but I can save things for a few times and then I get the issue right back again. External hard drives show up but all of them are inaccessible and suggest disk first aid or whatever.
Does that mean run disk utility and fix permissions with the CD for install in or what? I'm running the OS off the active boot disk. Why would this issue magically pop up if I'm the administrator account?
Yes, Boot to another disk or the install CD, use disk utilities from there. As for magic, I'm not believer. There could be a lot of reasons for the problem, my suggestion is designed to correct it fast with as little down time as possible, if you want the "why" question answered, it will take longer, the fix is faster.
I don't follow...Does this mean I have to delete my hard drive? No. I'm in the middle of a project and I have like zero space on my scratch drive that I would normally use for back up...I'd preferably not like to have to delete everything if its a simple issue. For the record if I reboot it takes a while to load but I can save things for a few times and then I get the issue right back again. External hard drives show up but all of them are inaccessible and suggest disk first aid or whatever.
This will not affect your projects or your data, only the permissions to access the drives. If I'm wrong you lose nothing, if I'm right, you are on your way again.
Repair Permissions in Disk Utility will NOT fix anything in the User domain.

An inability to save files to your own account is unusual, to say the least.

Enter the following commands into the Terminal:

cd ~/
ls -lae

This will show the ownership and attributes of the files and folders at the top of your user account.
The first column will read something like "drwrw---" (directory, owner can read and write, group can read and write, others can't read or write.)

The third column should be the name of your user account, the fourth column should read "staff".
There may also be "ACLs" listed beneath some entries, which may look something like this:
0: group:everyone deny delete

Paste the results here and we can see if anything is wrong.
Last edited:
Repair Permissions in Disk Utility will NOT fix anything in the User domain.

An inability to save files to your own account is unusual, to say the least.

Enter the following commands into the Terminal:

cd ~/
ls -lae

This will show the ownership and attributes of the files and folders at the top of your user account.
The first column will read something like "drwrw---" (directory, owner can read and write, group can read and write, others can't read or write.)

The third column should be the name of your user account, the fourth column should read "staff".
There may also be "ACLs" listed beneath some entries, which may look something like this:
0: group:everyone deny delete

Paste the results here and we can see if anything is wrong.

Thanks a bunch...I really hate being pushy so I appreciate this very much. Oddly enough doing the Verify Disk Permissions then Repair Disk Permissions solved the issue for a few saves....then it stopped working again...bleh.

I'm not sure if any of this is sensitive or private, if someone could answer that I'd appreciate it. Heres what I got after entering that into Terminal:
NatesMBP1:natbmw2 natbmw2$ cd ~/
NatesMBP1:~ natbmw2$ ls -lae
total 34904
drwxr-xr-x+   51 natbmw2  staff     1734 Mar 23 23:47 .
 0: group:everyone deny delete
drwxr-xr-x     7 root     admin      238 Jul 21  2011 ..
-rw-------     1 natbmw2  staff        3 Dec 25  2010 .CFUserTextEncoding
-rw-r--r--@    1 natbmw2  staff    24580 Mar 24 00:07 .DS_Store
drwxr-xr-x     3 natbmw2  staff      102 Jan 31  2012 .DTS
drwxrwxrwx    52 natbmw2  staff     1768 Dec 12 18:35 .MakeMKV
drwx------     2 natbmw2  staff       68 Mar 24 00:24 .Trash
-rw-------     1 natbmw2  staff       74 Mar 27  2012 .Xauthority
drwxr-xr-x     4 natbmw2  staff      136 Jan  5  2011 .adobe
-rw-------     1 natbmw2  staff     3994 Feb 15 21:07 .bash_history
drwxr-xr-x@    3 natbmw2  staff      102 Dec 27  2010 .citrix
drwxr-xr-x     5 natbmw2  staff      170 Feb 13 13:00 .config
drwx------     3 natbmw2  staff      102 Dec 26  2010 .cups
drwx------    15 natbmw2  staff      510 Mar 23 23:48 .dropbox
drwxr-xr-x   692 natbmw2  staff    23528 Feb 18 21:30 .dvdcss
drwxr-xr-x    17 natbmw2  staff      578 Dec 29  2010 .fontconfig
-rw-r--r--     1 natbmw2  staff      139 Apr 17  2012 .jackdrc
drwxr-xr-x     4 natbmw2  staff      136 Mar 21 02:28 .mkvtoolnix
drwxr-xr-x     4 natbmw2  staff      136 Jul  8  2011 .mplayer
drwx------     2 natbmw2  staff       68 Sep 26  2011 .ssh
drwxr-xr-x     3 natbmw2  staff      102 Jul 14  2012 .xbmc
drwxr-xr-x     3 natbmw2  staff      102 Sep 24 00:00 Adobe Disk Cache
drwxr-xr-x     5 natbmw2  staff      170 Feb 10 00:51 Applications
-rw-r--r--@    1 natbmw2  staff       81 Dec 25  2010 CTX.DAT
drwx------+ 1980 natbmw2  staff    67320 Mar 24 00:22 Desktop
 0: allow search
 1: group:everyone deny delete
-rw-r--r--@    1 natbmw2  staff  5088009 May 24  2009 Dirty Harry.mp4
-rw-r--r--     1 natbmw2  staff   361887 Oct 28 03:18 DiskSpeedTest66767.png
drwx------+   90 natbmw2  staff     3060 Oct 26 18:09 Documents
 0: group:everyone deny delete
drwx------+ 2007 natbmw2  staff    68238 Mar 24 00:07 Downloads
 0: group:everyone deny delete
drwx------@  466 natbmw2  staff    15844 Mar 23 23:48 Dropbox
drwx------@   57 natbmw2  staff     1938 Sep 26 20:03 Library
 0: group:everyone deny delete
-rw-r--r--     1 natbmw2  staff   413905 Jan  1  2011 Monster.png
drwx------+   39 natbmw2  staff     1326 Mar  8 01:55 Movies
 0: group:everyone deny delete
drwx------+    6 natbmw2  staff      204 Nov 16  2011 Music
 0: group:everyone deny delete
-rw-r--r--@    1 natbmw2  staff      148 Feb 11 20:35 Network
drwx------+   49 natbmw2  staff     1666 Feb 28 23:39 Pictures
 0: group:everyone deny delete
drwxrwx-wx@    7 natbmw2  staff      238 Nov  9  2011 Public
 0: group:everyone deny delete
drwxr-xr-x+    5 natbmw2  staff      170 Dec 25  2010 Sites
 0: group:everyone deny delete
-rw-r--r--@    1 natbmw2  staff  5242880 Dec 24  2011 VideoGlide OS X 1.4.8.dmg
-rw-r--r--@    1 natbmw2  staff  2104348 Jun 12  2011 VideoGlide OS X
-rw-------     1 natbmw2  staff        4 Feb  2  2011 XFD-natbmw2
-rw-r--r--     1 natbmw2  staff   435908 Jan  3  2011 ddf.png
-rw-r--r--     1 natbmw2  staff   448959 Jan  3  2011 dfgfd.png
-rw-r--r--     1 natbmw2  staff   362137 Jan  8  2011 erggergreergrgrdgdfgfdgfdgdf.png
drwxr--r--    10 natbmw2  staff      340 Sep  7  2012 fdrprojects
drwxr--r--     4 natbmw2  staff      136 Sep  7  2012 fdrtemplates
-rw-r--r--     1 natbmw2  staff   514383 Dec 25  2010 mags.png
drwxr-xr-x     4 natbmw2  staff      136 Feb 13 13:14 natbmw2
-rw-r--r--     1 natbmw2  staff   424483 Jan 29  2011 snaps8989hot.png
-rw-r--r--     1 natbmw2  staff   396944 Mar  9  2011 snapshot.png
-rw-r--r--     1 natbmw2  staff   438504 Jan  3  2011 tyd.png
NatesMBP1:~ natbmw2$
BTW the main admin account that I'm using (the only one) is obviously natbmw2. I should mention some weird things are going on like disk utility, preferences, etc. freezing up or being a bit slow to open and even Safari making typing a bit slow...after I get this fixed I'm gonna run some more diagnostics...Ive just never dealt with a permissions issue that couldn't be fixed in sharing preferences or info. A few months back I got an SSD and installed it and just ported over the whole OS X but I renamed the boot drive from "Macintosh HDD" to "Macintosh SSD"....I never had any issues after doing that but I suppose it could be an issue now? Idk I read that on another forum with a similar issue. Ok my computer did a software update and now I cant see half of anything in safari its like the window wont show the other half no matter what....this is beginging to get really frustrating...Ill make a genius bar appointment but I want to get all the help I can here.
Last edited:
The listing does obviously reveal the files that you've got at the top level of your user account, but I wouldn't say there's anything sensitive or personal there. You can edit the post if you like.

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong there, as far as permissions and ownership goes. I can't see why you shouldn't be able to write to, say the Documents folder.

Are you completely unable to write files to your user account? Can you move anything; rename anything?

The other thing you can try is to open the Console app in the Utilities folder. You can then see if there are any relevant messages left at the time of not being able to write something.

However, this sort of thing is hard to diagnose remotely. It really needs hands-on assessment. I don't know that the Apple "Geniuses" are up to this, but you might be pleasantly surprised. If you know anyone techy, it might be worth reaching out to them.
The listing does obviously reveal the files that you've got at the top level of your user account, but I wouldn't say there's anything sensitive or personal there. You can edit the post if you like.

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong there, as far as permissions and ownership goes. I can't see why you shouldn't be able to write to, say the Documents folder.

Are you completely unable to write files to your user account? Can you move anything; rename anything?

The other thing you can try is to open the Console app in the Utilities folder. You can then see if there are any relevant messages left at the time of not being able to write something.

However, this sort of thing is hard to diagnose remotely. It really needs hands-on assessment. I don't know that the Apple "Geniuses" are up to this, but you might be pleasantly surprised. If you know anyone techy, it might be worth reaching out to them.

Alright this message is going to come in bits and pieces via editing as I just lost my last two attempts. This is getting frustrating.

It says its running low on memory (RAM) so its forcing me to force quit applications. Page Outs and Page ins are normal but CPU activity is 100% with nothing showing up in activity monitor as the culprit (selecting the view that shows whats cooking up the most). Its my account and its the admin account and ive never had any issues with files writing, read, copying, pasting, now I cant even move, copy or paste files, I cant even delete things. I have had to copy and paste all my unsaved pages and text documents into Google docs and thats barely worked as the computer keeps freezing up and forcing me to force quit applications. The Genius Bar around here is pretty techy but it varies but who is the Genius tech guy, I might honestly put in the notes "Need tech/OS X nerd" as I dont want some guy who just replaces grandma's iphone and fixes basic OS X issues, I'm very techy and I usually can diagnose these issues but Ive never seen ANYTHING like this...the permissions seam to be all normal. When I go to Macintosh SSD I notice my username is under there as read and write so I can confirm that, I tried hitting the unlock button but no luck. I dont know if this is some type of sick game someone is playing with a Virus but its setting me back HARD on my work...I'm supposed to help my boss with a video project and the entire thing is on my Mac, Im the only one with the software able to do this so pulling hte hard drive and putting it in another computer wouldnt work. Not to mention I have a digital photo business I'm trying to get started.....customers arent gonna take "My laptop doesnt work" :/ If Genius Bar doesnt work is there any place that is considered excellent for these serious issues? You know how in the medical world there are Specialist Physicians that are known to be real good, anything like that for Apple?!

EDIT: Alright I got a screen shot in! Its weird...when I force shut down the computer and turn it back on I get a few chances to read/write/save/edit/delete but then it goes right back! The attachment below is the logs of what appears to be the write issue...let me see if I can get another screenshot or two before I get locked out again :mad:

EDIT2: The errors seam to be popping up...I'm seeing the errors but Im having trouble interpreting a fix...maybe you can look at my attachments and let me know whats going on? Thanks I REALLY appreciate this..


  • Screen Shot 2013-03-25 at 12.52.47 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2013-03-25 at 12.52.47 AM.png
    443.6 KB · Views: 508
  • Screen Shot 2013-03-25 at 1.01.40 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2013-03-25 at 1.01.40 AM.png
    503.7 KB · Views: 529
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The issue appears to be a problem across all issues. This seams like a bad virus as now Finder won't even open, my computers function is practically non existant and I can only use my iPhone to make posts. This is getting a bit rediculous....I can't boot ANYTHING off a disk drive... Any suggestions on how to un**** my MBP? Is there some start up key combo maybe? Idk...gotta wait for chance to see Genius Bar.
Wow....I'm flustered...

Ok so I went to the Genius Bar and the guy there was REALLY smart....I gave him all the screenshots/pictures of the logs and even showed him this thread and he fixed a few issues but I still cant save or modify any files and get that stupid "Error Code -50" and "You do not have permission to save files here" BS. I just wiped my hard drive with 7 passes, that should pretty much obliterate any traces of my old data along with its issues and I reinstalled using my Mac OS X Snow Leopard what the hell gives? This is seemingly impossible....I mean I'd love to use this as an excuse to buy a new computer but this just doesn't make sense....the Genius Bar ran a bunch of tests to rule out hardware issues too. I mean all my stuff is copied onto an external hard drive I purchased and I am NOT going to use Time Machine to just restore everything back since I have no idea where the bug is coming from, ideally this total fresh start thing was supposed to fix everything and to make sure it didn't come back I was going to reinstall all my software and copy over only select files onto my new system but this is ridiculous...
It sounds almost like SSD write cycle depletion. Each SSD cell has a limited number of writes, and when they become unwritable because of too many writes, they become read only. When this occurs over time, it's like you've gone from a large drive with lots of space to a tiny drive with little space. It supposedly doesn't become noticeable until the problem is severe. As the cells get rendered unwritable, the unit needs to increase the writes to fewer cells, which in turn causes more of them to fail more rapidly, which further reduces the number of cells, and the cycle continues almost exponentially.

If you put Snow Leopard on and the problems disappear all together, then it's probably some type of OS bug, but if it continues with Snow Leopard, SSD depletion might be the source of your problems. I have no idea how old your system is or how many times the drive's been accessed.

We use a product called Scannerz with FSE for drive testing (I doubt there's any point in you getting it because I don't think it can detect depleted cells, just bad cells, and that's speculation on my part). FSE is a file system events monitor and in it's default mode it can spit out and record all file system activity. During Spotlight indexing once, it recorded something like 100,000 writes. When I saw this, all I could think to myself was "I wonder how long those SSDs will really last when subjected to this on a regular basis."

In any case, if your problems persist, the SSD might be the problem. If they go away, please let us know. I'm using Lion on one of my systems and I've had some rather odd things happen with mail lately.
It sounds almost like SSD write cycle depletion. Each SSD cell has a limited number of writes, and when they become unwritable because of too many writes, they become read only. When this occurs over time, it's like you've gone from a large drive with lots of space to a tiny drive with little space. It supposedly doesn't become noticeable until the problem is severe. As the cells get rendered unwritable, the unit needs to increase the writes to fewer cells, which in turn causes more of them to fail more rapidly, which further reduces the number of cells, and the cycle continues almost exponentially.

If you put Snow Leopard on and the problems disappear all together, then it's probably some type of OS bug, but if it continues with Snow Leopard, SSD depletion might be the source of your problems. I have no idea how old your system is or how many times the drive's been accessed.

We use a product called Scannerz with FSE for drive testing (I doubt there's any point in you getting it because I don't think it can detect depleted cells, just bad cells, and that's speculation on my part). FSE is a file system events monitor and in it's default mode it can spit out and record all file system activity. During Spotlight indexing once, it recorded something like 100,000 writes. When I saw this, all I could think to myself was "I wonder how long those SSDs will really last when subjected to this on a regular basis."

In any case, if your problems persist, the SSD might be the problem. If they go away, please let us know. I'm using Lion on one of my systems and I've had some rather odd things happen with mail lately.

The SSD is less than 4 months old! I bought it brand new! Its one of Intel's top brand SSD's! I'm not sure how much intel is going to support this issue...I mean if the drive is defective they might replace it but this is just a huge pain in the rear end....I might try throwing in a regular HDD and see if the problem fixes its self but either way back to the Genius bar to see if there is something I missed.... :/

EDIT: Actually I'm going to try and boot off the external drive I just made and we what the Genius Bar he booted off his external drive to rule out hardware issues other than hard drives and it worked. Still not happy with a basically brand new Intel SSD failing in 4 months
Repair Permissions in Disk Utility will NOT fix anything in the User domain.

An inability to save files to your own account is unusual, to say the least.

Enter the following commands into the Terminal:

cd ~/
ls -lae

This will show the ownership and attributes of the files and folders at the top of your user account.
The first column will read something like "drwrw---" (directory, owner can read and write, group can read and write, others can't read or write.)

The third column should be the name of your user account, the fourth column should read "staff".
There may also be "ACLs" listed beneath some entries, which may look something like this:
0: group:everyone deny delete

Paste the results here and we can see if anything is wrong.

total 4368

drwxr-xr-x+  70 xuyunfan  staff    2380 Mar 26 15:09 .

 0: group:everyone deny delete

drwxr-xr-x    7 root      admin     238 May 26  2015 ..

-r--------    1 xuyunfan  staff       7 Nov  7 23:41 .CFUserTextEncoding

drwx------   57 xuyunfan  staff    1938 Mar 26 11:17 .Trash

-rw-------    1 xuyunfan  staff      49 Jun 19  2015 .Xauthority

drwxr-x--x    3 xuyunfan  staff     102 Jan 11  2015 .adobe

drwxr-x---    6 xuyunfan  staff     204 Dec 10 16:07 .android

-rw-------    1 xuyunfan  staff   12735 Mar 26 15:14 .bash_history

drwx------    5 xuyunfan  staff     170 Jan  4  2016 .cache

drwxr-x--x    5 xuyunfan  staff     170 Sep 18  2014 .config

drwx------    3 xuyunfan  staff     102 Sep 17  2016 .cups

drwx------    9 xuyunfan  staff     306 Nov 17 14:37 .dropbox

drwxr-xr-x   16 xuyunfan  staff     544 Sep 19  2014 .fontconfig

drwx------    2 xuyunfan  staff      68 May 17  2014 .gnome2

drwx------   10 xuyunfan  staff     340 Mar 23 19:08 .gnupg

drwxr-xr-x    9 xuyunfan  staff     306 May 17  2014 .inkscape-etc

drwxr-xr-x    3 xuyunfan  staff     102 Jan  4  2014 .jagex_cache_32

drwxr-xr-x    3 xuyunfan  staff     102 Sep 18  2014 .local

drwx------    3 xuyunfan  staff     102 Jan 31  2014 .mozilla

drwxr-xr-x    3 xuyunfan  staff     102 Apr 18  2015 .openvr

drwxr-xr-x    3 xuyunfan  staff     102 Nov 26  2015 .oracle_jre_usage

-rw-------    1 xuyunfan  staff    1024 Mar 23  2016 .rnd

-rw-------    1 xuyunfan  staff      72 Jun 19  2015 .serverauth.627

drwxr-xr-x    3 xuyunfan  staff     102 Jan 31  2014 .swt

-r--r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff      32 Nov 16  2014 .ypp_42

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:00:51,631?

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:00:56,717?

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:01:12,445?

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:01:15,065?

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:01:17,408?

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:01:20,828?

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:01:24,972?

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:01:28,541?

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:01:29,876?

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:01:32,214?

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:01:35,214?

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:01:37,512?

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:01:39,175?

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:01:42,100?

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:01:46,563?

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:02:00,698?

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff       0 Nov  9 23:58 00:02:03,927?

drwxrwxrwx    5 xuyunfan  staff     170 Nov 26  2015 Adlm

drwx------   25 xuyunfan  staff     850 Feb 19 13:47 Applications

-rw-r--r--@   1 xuyunfan  staff  434425 Jul 22  2016 Asia 1.jpg

drwxr-xr-x    3 xuyunfan  staff     102 Nov 10  2014 Conduit

drwxrwxr-x@   4 xuyunfan  staff     136 Mar 17 01:12 Creative Cloud Files

drwx------@   3 xuyunfan  staff     102 Jan  9  2015 Creative Cloud Files (archived)

drwx------@   4 xuyunfan  staff     136 Aug 22  2016 Creative Cloud Files (archived) (1)

drwx---rwx+  65 xuyunfan  staff    2210 Mar 26 15:10 Desktop

 0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx------+  37 xuyunfan  staff    1258 Mar 23 22:41 Documents

 0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx------+ 262 xuyunfan  staff    8908 Mar 23 22:40 Downloads

 0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx------@   6 xuyunfan  staff     204 Jan 24 14:38 Dropbox

drwxr-xr-x    4 xuyunfan  staff     136 Sep 23  2016 Jagex

drwx------@  78 xuyunfan  staff    2652 Mar 18 00:15 Library

 0: group:everyone deny delete

drwxr-xr-x@   3 xuyunfan  staff     102 Sep 21  2015 MEGA

drwx------+  17 xuyunfan  staff     578 Feb 19 13:38 Movies

 0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx------+   6 xuyunfan  staff     204 Nov 10  2014 Music

 0: group:everyone deny delete

-rw-r--r--@   1 xuyunfan  staff  273478 Aug  2  2016 OVERPAINT

drwx------+  20 xuyunfan  staff     680 Feb 19 13:38 Pictures

 0: group:everyone deny delete

drwxr-xr-x+   4 xuyunfan  staff     136 Nov 16  2013 Public

 0: group:everyone deny delete

drwxr-xr-x    3 xuyunfan  staff     102 Dec 30  2013 Samsung

-rw-r--r--@   1 xuyunfan  staff  180271 May 30  2016 aef1094e-96c2-4fe1-bbd9-fbec16561122.pdf

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff  970496 May 17  2014 drawing 1.svg

-rw-r--r--@   1 xuyunfan  staff   18170 May 28  2016 glow.grd

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff      45 Jan  4  2014 jagex_cl_runescape_LIVE.dat

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff      21 Jan  4  2014 jagexappletviewer.preferences

drwxr-xr-x    3 xuyunfan  staff     102 Jan  4  2014 jagexcache

-rw-r--r--    1 xuyunfan  staff      24 Jan  4  2014 random.dat

-rw-r--r--@   1 xuyunfan  staff  296935 May 31  2016 stock-vector-silhouettes-group-of-people-in-a-row-244534876.pdf

Zaphkiels-Air:~ xuyunfan$
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