I ended up getting one second hand from eBay and fitting it myself
I'll try and do this for you tomorrow and answer your questions, if in 2 days I've not returned please post as it means I simply forgotAh ok was it easy to fit then? Which unit did you get please?
Into which car did you fit it into? All work as expected? Still work fine with iOS 10 etc, bugs?
Would love to see some pics and even better video of it actually working in a "real" car as just see vids on YouTube but sometimes staged.
Does it connect first time every time? Any crashes? Was it worth it? How is maps?
A friendly reminder as requestedI forgot! Sorry, I'll try this weekend.
Thx a lot for that watched the vid to. Looks a good job as well you happy with fitting? Wish CarPlay was wireless though as short hops more likely not to plug in.
I'm interested in the maps so wouldn't need a Sat Nav then