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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 17, 2020
I saw something like this in a previous post but there didn't seem to be a definitive answer. Basically I deleted 50GB of files to get some working space for video editing and I didn't see any disk space reclamation after the delete, in fact now when I delete stuff I see free space increasing but very soon again I am literally out of disk space again.
I have run all the disk checks I know how to do, booted into single user mode etc, and run utilities like ONYX, but even though it didn't fix my disk it seemed to find something. Can anyone please shed some light of the results?

<shrug> Boot to Recovery, run First Aid on the volume. Myself, I assume the space is being taken up by one or more snapshots and wil be released back to the system when the snapshot gets removed.
Hi there - so I ran First Aid in Recovery mode before but didn't screen shot everything.
Attached is a PDF of the screenshots made by my phone.
As you can see I have some errors when I scan disk Macintosh HD - Data, I get a bunch of

warning: xf: INO_EXT_TYPE_DSTREAM: found unexpected stream associated with non-regular file
and then
Too many warnings crap; suppressing subsequent ones

then a load of

warning; FOUND ORPHAN DSTREAM IDOBJECT (id 384942334 (or whatever) refcnt 1)
Too many warnings crap; suppressing subsequent ones

The volume /dev/rdisk2s1 appears to be ok

As you can then see from the next screen shot 478GB used and 600MB free

Rebooting into multi user mode I looked at the local snapshots.

I had already deleted all my local snapshots and can show there are none left with:

# sudo tmutil listlocalsnapshots /

....and get nothing listed...

Next I run Daisydisk and you can see 0.5GB free so I scan the disk and see that:
498GB total used but if you add the items shown you only get approx 260GB so apparently 240GB has been eaten by the system and hidden somewhere.

Any ideas?



  • Screwed-catalina-small.pdf
    4.4 MB · Views: 506
Hey everyone - couldn't fix this so I reformatted the drive and reinstalled and now I am in the middle of a Time Machine recovery.
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