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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 31, 2008
Am I missing something or does the macOS Catalina TV app break searching your local iTunes library for tv or movies completely?

It only lists local content not in the store. For example I search for Agents of Shield which I’ve ripped from DVD and the single result it brings up kicks me to the store page to buy seasons of it. IT’S ON MY HARD DRIVE!

Over a decade of organising and ripping tv shows and movies is now completely FUBARRED.
Does anyone know a way to just search your local library?
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I can't believe this isn't front page news? No reviews of Catalina have even mentioned it. People go nuts about an emoji being slightly wrong, but break search and it's ok?
I am seeing the same thing. Local search flat-out does not work. Even for purchased content, clicking on a result just shows the store page with the Buy button even though I own it!
Thanks so much. I’m so glad it’s not just me. 😂

I’ve found I can use the computers app on Apple TV to search my local library and that works fine just like it always did. Just ridiculous I can’t search on my actual Mac anymore.

in the music app when you search there’s a tab to switch between Apple Music, your library and the store. Presumably the TV just needs something like that adding?
I’ll try later but have you tried using Spotlight? I wonder if that works.

The TV app is just an awful mess. Case in point: click on the search field. It replaces the current page you’re looking at with a “trending” page. Now try to get back to what you were looking at.
Figured this out as I had the same problem. Follow these steps:

Click on VIEW
Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 10.58.14 AM.png
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Figured this out as I had the same problem. Follow these steps:

Click on VIEW

No Way. I can’t believe I didn’t know this. They don’t exactly make it obvious.

So selecting this basically ads another search box that only searches your library. And not sure if it’s permanently added as it’s disappeared on me once already. So you may have to do this every time you want to search your library. But at least you can now.

I wonder if this has always been there or added in a recent update? Thanks again. This is awesome.
I'd been looking for this for a while too. Pain in the rear that the filter doesn't stick though. What a cluster****!
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