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That's kind of amazeballs. It's certainly an improvement over "must be on the pad" since the pad is creating clutter.

Here's what I'd like more: Apple develops a mouse that charges that way. I have that wireless mouse, and darn it goes through rechargeable batteries too fast. That requires popping them out, taking them to the charger, waiting, and reinstalling. Instead, it sits there and charges while I'm not using it. Same thing with the wireless keyboard.


  • mophie-juice-pack-dock.jpg
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Hmmm, 40% Efficiency over a distance of 2 meters and only with a 60cm receiver?

Sounds like a HUGE waste of energy for a negligible increase in comfort.
You mean you must take it OUT of your current case/sleeve just to charge ?

How is this better ? There's ya first mistake

its easier to attach it via usb

If it works though, then it is slightly better than how wireless charging currently works, however its dismissed by the use of a sleeve...

Back to the drawing board...

If Apple were really this innovated, they would have built wireless charging themselves into the iphone 5, like they built magnets into the ipad for their accessories down the line.

.. then i would have stood up....

Maybe they will in the future eg iPhone 6 ? 7, 8 ?
Ignore the case - its there to demo the concept using existing devices. This is not a product being sold to manufactures its a demo of how it works.

This is the sort of wireless that people want IMO i.e. invisible. Charger station built into screen and then all the devices on the table just naturally charge.
You are right…..this is just a Proof of Concept (POC) product. The POC is just to show what it can do and to create interest. the final product will probably look a little different.
Just another Android ripoff. At least the Android wireless chargers don't look lame like this one.
I'm sorry, you are on the wrong site. Please crawl back to your android fan base where you play pretend and make up features that maybe 1 android phone has an claim all of them have it. And drop the signature and avatar.
We wouldn't have to use a microwave oven. Jut put your food on a plate and wait a few minutes for it to heat up and eat.
Well, a person when wifi was in its early stages might say the same thing. But it obviously wasn't true. Keep an open mind, and if this product is harmful, it probably won't be released to the public.
Convenience/room. I don't want a dock on my desk. I do set my phone down on my desk in the same spot - which just so happens to have nothing underneath it. I could attach the charger to the underside of my desk, and have it work through the desk.

Powermat and other inductive chargers won't do that.

Good luck with that...
Good luck with that...

What do you mean "good luck with that"?

The usage of having the actual charger on the underside of the desk is an actual used described by the article - from the first paragraph of the article :

WiTricity's system supports power transfer over short distances using magnetic resonance, allowing charging pads to be kept out of sight such as mounted on the bottom surface of a desk.
What was so hard about plugging in a LAN cable into your laptop at home?


Uhm, so that I can move my laptop around the house while doing "internets" stuff on it...?

Oh, wait! I don't think I can move my phone if charging with one of these "wireless" chargers, either! :eek:

Get it? :rolleyes:
The problem I find with Apple on wireless charging is that inductive charging or even the one from WiTricity: inability to pass through metal.

I have an awesome OneLessDesk. But I can't hide the transmitter under it (even though it's only 1mm thick) because it's metal.

If Apple were to adapt Qi or any wireless charging standard out there, the first thing apple needs to do is to forget aluminum. Or else Apple needs to limit the receiving unit into a very small and selective area.
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