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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 6, 2012
Rochester, NY
Hey, I've been Googling this but have had no luck. In the past when I've wanted to get an iPhone on release date I have had no problem, but it seems like each release the demand increases. I would like to get an iPhone 8 Plus today and I did not preorder. I work until 4 PM EST and am worried that stores will be out. What are your guys thoughts?
I'd guess that by the time you get off work, it will be difficult. But I don't feel as if stock is so bad that you'll have to wait for days. I just pre-ordered yesterday and sprint said I'd have it by Tuesday in the mail.
Hey, I've been Googling this but have had no luck. In the past when I've wanted to get an iPhone on release date I have had no problem, but it seems like each release the demand increases. I would like to get an iPhone 8 Plus today and I did not preorder. I work until 4 PM EST and am worried that stores will be out. What are your guys thoughts?
No chance to drop in early? Most stores are opening early for people that have to work.
I'm with Verizon and they said if I preordered it I wouldn't get it until next Friday. I am the type of person who likes to get their phone in hand though, not through the mail.
No chance to drop in early? Most stores are opening early for people that have to work.
I start at 7:30
It really depends on the store but according to reports the demand for the 8 / 8+ has been quite low in comparison with previous launches. I don't think you should have any problem getting one in store today. In fact, the US Apple online store has most models available for a September 26th delivery (4 days) so the stock is clearly plentiful.
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I'm with Verizon and they said if I preordered it I wouldn't get it until next Friday. I am the type of person who likes to get their phone in hand though, not through the mail.
I start at 7:30
Like someone else said demand wasn’t very high like it was a year ago for so you may be able to get one in a store but if you can’t make it early/during lunch just use the Apple app/website now or during a coffee break and order one, delivery estimates are 9/26-9/28 for most models.
I was able to place an order on Verizon’s website for store pickup to ensure I got it. I got the gold 8 plus.

When I went to pick it up the Verizon store guy said he was worried that people were going to be beating the doors down and that it was not busy and they still had tons of iPhones.
Just out of curiosity, why did you opt for the 8 over the X?
Not a fan of the bunny ears and not a fan of FaceID. I think Touch ID is faster and more convenient. Having to fix my face perfectly into a frame to unlock my phone seems slow and inconvenient. Plus bezels don’t bother me. I know all everyone wants nowadays is no bezels but it makes no difference to me.
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Apple Store near me had plenty of stock available of all models this morning and re-enabled the ability to pick up in store. For fun I checked around 3 pm just to see and all model was sold out.
Thanks. I’m seriously thinking I like the 8 Plus better due to the wider screen. It bugs me that the X screen has the same width as an iPhone 7 and that it’s just longer.
Hey, I've been Googling this but have had no luck. In the past when I've wanted to get an iPhone on release date I have had no problem, but it seems like each release the demand increases. I would like to get an iPhone 8 Plus today and I did not preorder. I work until 4 PM EST and am worried that stores will be out. What are your guys thoughts?

Use to see inventory levels.
If you haven’t already gotten one, try calling around local stores and asking what they have. I woke up this morning and called around and found several local stores still had a handful left in different colors and storage sizes and just walked into a store and got one.
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