Just keep in mind that any automated translation service that you use will be spotty at best. If you only have a little text and you only uses proper English (and it doesn't use idioms, slang, ect) you will probably be fine. If the text is long, you would be better off asking one of the bilingual Korea Americans to translated it for you otherwise you will get sometimes horrifying results. This comes from someone who lives in Asia (and I'm not Asian), I can instantly spot things that were translated using a computer (or services like Google, etc). They will translate it roughly but there will be mistakes, which depending on the case could be minor or major. Computers have come a long way but they still have a long, long way to go before they are able to best a human when it comes to translation. I know a lot of people who use Google's translations and think that they are perfect but it is far from it. Translating one word, no problem (normally). Translating a short sentence, you might be okay. Translating something more than a sentence or two long and you are asking for trouble.