Try the ungoogled version of Chromium? Up to date for both Intel and ARM (Apple) CPUs. would not give my browsing data to Google. Plus iCloud private relay doesn't work with Chrome.
Hard pass ...
Fair enough. No browser is best for everyone. But it is noteworthy that using Safari still sends your browsing data to data farms. There's a little thing called "tracking pixels" that the tech media doesn't like to talk about.I would not give my browsing data to Google. Plus iCloud private relay doesn't work with Chrome.
Hard pass ...
Try the ungoogled version of Chromium? Up to date for both Intel and ARM (Apple) CPUs.
Note: it will work with extensions previously added, but you can't add any extensions running the ungoogled versions.
If you need a "Sync" version, which allows adding extensions, try the (pink) Development build (click on the "Archive") presented by the Chromium Authors, version 101.0.4934.0 as of 3-9-2022, fourth down in the Mac section at the top of
I didn't know that, but it brings up the question of how does having the "Chromium Web Store" extension installed affect the 'unconnected status of the ungoogled Chromium browser'. As you know, the whole concept of "ungoogled" is to remain completely isolated from Googles tracking and data mining activities. I think I will pass on installing that extension.You can add extensions once you add the "Chromium Web Store" extension
I would not give my browsing data to Google. Plus iCloud private relay doesn't work with Chrome.
Hard pass ...
I would not give my browsing data to Google. Plus iCloud private relay doesn't work with Chrome.
Hard pass ...
I have no problems with battery life with my MBA M1 using Chrome extensively.It may be fast, but how about used resources compared to Safari? The last time I checked Chrome on Mac it burned through my battery like a hot knife through butter...