god save my soul...never thought I would see the demise of apple as a innovative company.
cool gui interface, but wait!
- no 3rd party apps (you dont need them, because we said so!)
- no ringtones from music from itunes (so Cingular can make more by charging for lower quality ringtones? whats up?)
- now in Europe some company called O2 wants to be exlusive.
(Im in Hungary and have heard of Vodaphone and T-Mobile...whoe the ***is O2. Knowing my luck, O2 will win, and I wont have to worry about the iphone.)
- no purchasing music from the iphone from itunes, etc. etc.
Steve what is up with you?
Time for me to start my own company I see. At least make a product like I would want. (kind of like the dude from oakley who is making his own video camera cause he got tired of what the industry giants offered...and it blows them away. check out red.com for the new 4k camera, higher than High definition my friends.)