I'm using the External Graphics Development Kit with my MBP, so I have an external gpu connected to an external monitor. Since the latest build of High Sierra, when I close the lid of the MBP, the MBP display remains enabled. Any windows on that screen stay there, and I can still drag windows to it, despite it being closed.
I submitted a bug report and was told this is an intended change to macOS, which seems awful.
I wasn't told and have no way to test if this is specific to using an external gpu or if this is true when using any external display connected to a MBP. Can anyone confirm?
I was just about to buy a vertical MBP stand, but it sounds like those may no longer be a good idea...
I submitted a bug report and was told this is an intended change to macOS, which seems awful.
I wasn't told and have no way to test if this is specific to using an external gpu or if this is true when using any external display connected to a MBP. Can anyone confirm?
I was just about to buy a vertical MBP stand, but it sounds like those may no longer be a good idea...