Have been looking at ways to back my documents (Mac based) up in the cloud (I have a backup via Time Machine but want something sort of off site). Thought of iCloud Drive but this seems to be more of a syncing medium than a backup. For instance if something is deleted in error from the iCloud desktop folder it goes from the cloud as well. Also there is duplication of storage space it seems for if iCloud holds, say, 10 gig then so does the desktop folder.
MS Onedrive is pretty much the same except that it does allow you to select which folders are synced and only shows those in the desktop folder. So if I set up a Backup folder and elect not to sync it it will aappear on Onedrive in the cloud only. The only problem is backing up means accessing Onedrive and doing it manually.
Any suggestions on a way forward. Is it possible to make iCloud do what I want or maybe I should get an Office subscription from MS which is cheaper than the top end iCloud service and includes 1TB of space. Or maybe there is something better?
MS Onedrive is pretty much the same except that it does allow you to select which folders are synced and only shows those in the desktop folder. So if I set up a Backup folder and elect not to sync it it will aappear on Onedrive in the cloud only. The only problem is backing up means accessing Onedrive and doing it manually.
Any suggestions on a way forward. Is it possible to make iCloud do what I want or maybe I should get an Office subscription from MS which is cheaper than the top end iCloud service and includes 1TB of space. Or maybe there is something better?