I'm getting used to using Parse SDK, frameworks, CocoaPods but at the same time I'm wondering why I should be using CocoaPods and why have all the big players like Facebook supported CocoaPods.
I was previously used to importing the frameworks from SDKs directly into my project. Now that I'm reading a lot of documentation and tutorials that use CocoaPods I'm thinking it's not as convenient or at least not any more convenient than direct import of SDK.
You still need to import via Terminal, deal with a workspace instead of project and other little things so why is everyone using CocoaPods and why have Pods taken off?
I can see how they are useful for smaller things like custom alerts. In this sense pods are like plugins.
I was previously used to importing the frameworks from SDKs directly into my project. Now that I'm reading a lot of documentation and tutorials that use CocoaPods I'm thinking it's not as convenient or at least not any more convenient than direct import of SDK.
You still need to import via Terminal, deal with a workspace instead of project and other little things so why is everyone using CocoaPods and why have Pods taken off?
I can see how they are useful for smaller things like custom alerts. In this sense pods are like plugins.