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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 23, 2017
Hi all,

Does anyone have the app othe the dmg for pathfinder for leopard?
I've searched everywhere but i'm unable to find a download link.

Best regards,


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 23, 2017
Hi Drone,

Thanx. For some reason when I tried searching on wayback it kept returning 0 matches :(

Best regards,
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macrumors 65816
Aug 1, 2013
St. Augustine, FL
I used to have a view at the bottom of the window so if I clicked on a photo up in the line of files it would show the photo at the bottom. I can't remember what that was called but I can't find it in the latest version of PF. Anyone one know what i mean?


macrumors 65816
Aug 1, 2013
St. Augustine, FL
Yes, I figured out the problem. It was Modules I was looking for. Updated to the new version and it reset the Modules I has set.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Wonder if they had nightly builds for 10.6 PowerPC. Unfortunately, their support is useless (I have a license, so I wrote them, but with zero success).
There was no 10.6 PowerPC. Snow Leopard, as originally released by Apple, was Intel only. The project we have now was created years later by non-Apple developers.

I highly doubt the PathFinder devs had any access to early Apple dev builds that may have initially used PowerPC code. And if they did, I doubt they were coding for PowerPC at that point because it would have been known that SL was for Intel only.

In short, I do not believe there are any mythical Pathfinder 10.6 PowerPC nightly builds for the reasons I state above.
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macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2021
There was no 10.6 PowerPC. Snow Leopard, as originally released by Apple, was Intel only. The project we have now was created years later by non-Apple developers.

I highly doubt the PathFinder devs had any access to early Apple dev builds that may have initially used PowerPC code. And if they did, I doubt they were coding for PowerPC at that point because it would have been known that SL was for Intel only.

In short, I do not believe there are any mythical Pathfinder 10.6 PowerPC nightly builds for the reasons I state above.

Those early 10.6 builds that ran on PPC were available back in 2009. It was not yet sure that 10.6 will be Intel-only.
I agree with you it is unlikely, but it is not impossible.
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