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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 1, 2009
I'm just wondering, but are there any Level upgrade hacks? I just got to level 65 (4 star general) for the Wii, but that took me a month. So, yeah. Is there a way to get me to 55 FAST? All help is appreciated ^^.
Yes there is a way!

Call of Duty 4 makes you unlock weapons, weapon attachments and mods, camouflage, and challenges. Well there is a way around that because all of the data is stored client-side. To unlock all weapons for Call of Duty 4 multiplayer so that you don’t have to level up follow these easy instructions.

1. Download this mpdata file.
2. Go to Call of duty Multiplayer and then Options then multiplayer options then click "key code"
3. Save the key in notepad
4. Then go back to the multiplayer game and replace the key that you just saved with: DL2J8PY44Q22GE4888D22
5. Press OK and quite the game.
6. Navigate to your Call of Duty 4 profile folder usually ~Applications/Call of Duty 4/Call of duty 4 Data/players/profiles/what ever your multiplayer name is/
7. Place the mpdata file you downloaded in your user name folder (replace the one already there)
8. Open the COD4 MP game and check your rank. You should now be level 55 with all challenges, guns, and every camouflage unlocked!
9. Finally, in the game go to Options -> Multiplayer Options -> Key Code and type your original cd key you have saved in notepad. (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT)

There you go, you now have everything unlocked. Enjoy,
Kent :apple:
I've jumped directly to level 55, but now I'm thinking about going back to the basics and trying to get level 55 on my own. Should be easier now that I'm not a noob anymore. Haha.

I've been working my way up through the ranks. I'm up to 48.

Much more enjoyable I reckon to work through. It's taken me ages to get this far. But it's fun

I've been working my way up through the ranks. I'm up to 48.

Much more enjoyable I reckon to work through. It's taken me ages to get this far. But it's fun

Was alot easier then there was this map setup in that small map (the name escapes me, but it was all cargo containers) that was always set for FFA and never ended the match. Youd just run around grabbing kills, streaks, headshots, using any and all weapons. made getting to 55 easier!
or all you people could just stop being cheating douchebags...

Or they could just stop making douchebag games that require grinding as a way to force you to invest more time in the otherwise criminally short story or shallow gameplay.

When it comes to single player, there's nothing I love more than a challenge, and I have a strict stance against cheats, but when it comes to multiplayer, I love to have an advantage, mostly to make people rage.
When it comes to single player, there's nothing I love more than a challenge, and I have a strict stance against cheats, but when it comes to multiplayer, I love to have an advantage, mostly to make people rage.

sorry but you are completely backwards, in single player (mostly GTA4) cheats aren't too bad, but in multiplayer it just makes you a douche-bag

LOL, u mad bro?

I'll do as I please. After all, I bought the game.


I also bought the game, I shouldn't have to put up with people cheating 'cause they think they are entitled to an unfair advantage and they think the rules don't apply to them
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