I got this from a friend. It's as useful and well-explained as any article you're gonna read on website design. It helped me out. I'm sure it can help some of you reading this forum out, too.
That's a cute blog for guidance on today's space-wasting white-out faddish website design. What are his credentials? Are they "because he says so?"
I disagree with quite a bit of his "rules." Realize that my critiques center around websites used for productivity, where design for efficiency using decades-long learning on UIx principles should be the standard, and not replaced wholesale with faddish completely-new layouts. A good website to me is still the top 1-2 inches of Amazon, which provides 99% of what you need to use at the top border. What's currently below the top border area are random white blocks of things to look at, in a rather haphazard fashion, maybe good for people with short attention spans. I believe Amazon used to have organized links in the right/left side below the top border, but those, alas, have gone by the wayside.
I'll followup with my opinions of this fellow's cute blog at the "awful website design" thread.