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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 23, 2010
i have the company of heroes for mac with the skirmish mode and such and would like to download new maps... is this possible to download maps and play them skirmish on a mac??(if so how/what folder do i put them in??) like on the windows version.
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i have the company of heroes for mac with the skirmish mode and such and would like to download new maps... is this possible to download maps and play them skirmish on a mac??(if so how/what folder do i put them in??) like on the windows version.

Its possible, but the folder structure is confusing at best for CoH since it has specified folders for base game and expansions. When we tried it in the lab, we couldnt get them to load. TBH though, we didnt spend much time on it as it will never be a supported feature.

If you do figure it out, let us know here! Be careful though, if you modify those folders (or create new ones) your game will likely be borked during an update due to the AppStore sum checks.
Custom Maps

I have only testing one custom map (The Rhine) and it appears to work.

Please let me know if you are still interested in this.
I have only testing one custom map (The Rhine) and it appears to work.

Please let me know if you are still interested in this.

Ditto...and please explain where you acquired and then placed the folders so that the community can test it.

Again, its not something that we will ever me getting our team to spend bandwidth on it is very unlikely. Your experience would likely be appreciated by the folks on these forums :apple:
Ditto...and please explain where you acquired and then placed the folders so that the community can test it.

Again, its not something that we will ever me getting our team to spend bandwidth on it is very unlikely. Your experience would likely be appreciated by the folks on these forums :apple:

Is there still any possibility you will be adding Skirmish mode for those of us who purchased through Amazon digital download? If not, I might as well save my 12 gb for my next aspyr game.
Is there still any possibility you will be adding Skirmish mode for those of us who purchased through Amazon digital download? If not, I might as well save my 12 gb for my next aspyr game.

Honestly its always been on the roadmap, but we are so busy on current projects that it keeps getting pushed. That said, hit me up in PM and I will get you taken care of ;)
How to use custom maps in CoH

First off let me apologize for not having responded sooner.

Now on to the steps to get those maps working!
1) Find your Company of Heroes application
2) Right click on the icon and select "Show Package Contents"
3) You need to navigate / create the following path:


NOTE: most of the path already exists, where it does not exist create a new folder.

4) Download the custom maps into the MP folder.
5) Launch CoH and have fun

Additional Note: The seem to be a few ways to have custom maps made for CoH. You really can't tell which ones you are going to get until you download the zip file and extract it. After extracting the downloaded files, you want to copy into the MP folder the files of the following types:

and any image file types.

Also if there is a Loading Screen folder in the zip file and you want to be able to use it, create another folder in the MP folder called Loading Screen and copy the files into it (this doesn't always work).

You do not need the .sga or the .bak files, if the download only contained those files, I believe those were some sort of development file and not ready to be played.

Sites that I have found some good maps at:

I hope you enjoy.

EDIT: Removal of an unneeded edit
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First off let me apologize for not having responded sooner.

Now on to the steps to get those maps working!
1) Find your Company of Heroes application
2) Right click on the icon and select "Show Package Contents"
3) You need to navigate / create the following path:


NOTE: most of the path already exists, where it does not exist create a new folder.

4) Download the custom maps into the MP folder.
5) Launch CoH and have fun

Additional Note: The seem to be a few ways to have custom maps made for CoH. You really can't tell which ones you are going to get until you download the zip file and extract it. After extracting the downloaded files, you want to copy into the MP folder the files of the following types:

and any image file types.

Also if there is a Loading Screen folder in the zip file and you want to be able to use it, create another folder in the MP folder called Loading Screen and copy the files into it (this doesn't always work).

You do not need the .sga or the .bak files, if the download only contained those files, I believe those were some sort of development file and not ready to be played.

Sites that I have found some good maps at:

I hope you enjoy.

EDIT: Removal of an unneeded edit

Wow! it worked thanks so much! so easy too, much simpler than the windows version even for playing custom maps!


Ditto...and please explain where you acquired and then placed the folders so that the community can test it.

Again, its not something that we will ever me getting our team to spend bandwidth on it is very unlikely. Your experience would likely be appreciated by the folks on these forums :apple:

just wanted to notify you guys as well, i tried for one map and it works!
First off let me apologize for not having responded sooner.

Now on to the steps to get those maps working!
1) Find your Company of Heroes application
2) Right click on the icon and select "Show Package Contents"
3) You need to navigate / create the following path:


NOTE: most of the path already exists, where it does not exist create a new folder.

4) Download the custom maps into the MP folder.
5) Launch CoH and have fun

Additional Note: The seem to be a few ways to have custom maps made for CoH. You really can't tell which ones you are going to get until you download the zip file and extract it. After extracting the downloaded files, you want to copy into the MP folder the files of the following types:

and any image file types.

Also if there is a Loading Screen folder in the zip file and you want to be able to use it, create another folder in the MP folder called Loading Screen and copy the files into it (this doesn't always work).

You do not need the .sga or the .bak files, if the download only contained those files, I believe those were some sort of development file and not ready to be played.

Sites that I have found some good maps at:

I hope you enjoy.

You sir have done the community a service. For this, you shall be rewarded.

Name any game in the Aspyr lineup and its yours :D
Seeking Clarification

You sir have done the community a service. For this, you shall be rewarded.

Name any game in the Aspyr lineup and its yours :D

When you said name a game in the Aspyr lineup did you actually mean that
does having a smiley face on the end mean it is like winning a cookie on the internet?
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