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Comply Tips or Stock

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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Sep 15, 2014
I just got a pair for my hopefully coming soon PB pro. Trying them out on my BeatsX and I don’t really hear a difference. If anything it seems it lets in more noise cause it’s foam and not solid silicone. I don’t know I don’t see them being any better than stock. I got the noise canceling size large ones.

Anybody else think there is no difference or can you hear a difference?
I just got a pair for my hopefully coming soon PB pro. Trying them out on my BeatsX and I don’t really hear a difference. If anything it seems it lets in more noise cause it’s foam and not solid silicone. I don’t know I don’t see them being any better than stock. I got the noise canceling size large ones.

Anybody else think there is no difference or can you hear a difference?

I just ordered some for the PBP. You don't feel that they are any more comfortable? My issue with the PBP is that it's a strain on my ears after using them for more than an hour.
For me, they did not help create a seal nor did they improve the sound. Tried the small, medium, and large Comply tips. Very little help with comfort. Disappointed because I was so happy with Comply tips over silicone with my prior headphones (Jaybird X1, X2, X3, and Run). The Comply tips made all the difference with those headphone, but to me, did nothing and maybe made worse my PBs. The only stock tips that worked for me was the large, which is surprising to me because I've always used the medium size.
I've used Comply tips for awhile now, on my Jaybird X3's and then Run's. Better sound isolation, and longer term comfort while wearing them. Fast forward to now, and I've tried small, mediums and large Comply tips for the Beats X, on my PowerBeats...and they aren't any better than the standard silicone tips, in the box. Sort of weird and I'm not sure why unless Comply needs to make PowerBeats specific ones...or my ears are just whacked! lol.

Anyways, I tried the large silicone tips, included in PB's and that has made a huge difference in the sound quality, and volume. So for now, I'm using those...
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Fast forward to now, and I've tried small, mediums and large Comply tips for the Beats X, on my PowerBeats...and they aren't any better than the standard silicone tips, in the box. Sort of weird and I'm not sure why unless Comply needs to make PowerBeats specific ones...or my ears are just whacked!
It's funny- none of the silicone tips included in the BeatsX work with my ears, and I use Comply tips with them. I actually put Comply tips on all my in-ear headphones. I also cannot use Airpods or EarPods as they just don't stay in my ears and let in too much ambient sound.
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I have a couple of ear bud sets where the silicone tips that come with them actually feel and fit better than the Comply tips.

But on other sets the Comply tips are better.
It's funny- none of the silicone tips included in the BeatsX work with my ears, and I use Comply tips with them. I actually put Comply tips on all my in-ear headphones. I also cannot use Airpods or EarPods as they just don't stay in my ears and let in too much ambient sound.

I agree, I have never been able to successfully use hard earbuds of any kind. Aside from the sound, they just always fall out of my ears.
I’m completely enamored with my PowerrBeats3 with the ear hooks and silicone ear tips, they always stay in nice and firm. I sleep with them at night listening to an audiobook or meditation/relaxation music. Very comfortable even when laying on my side. I just bought an extra back-up pair, new, for $100 from Amazon I like them so much. You can find the colors that didn’t sell well, new, for this price.
I sort of collect ear/headphones. I have 7 pairs between wired and Bluetooth, each with its own particular use.
Not for me. I put the Comply foam tips in soon as I unboxed my pb pros and found them uncomfortable after a few days. The stock medium tips feel just right for me and are long term comfortable
I just ordered some for the PBP. You don't feel that they are any more comfortable? My issue with the PBP is that it's a strain on my ears after using them for more than an hour.

I haven’t used them for longer than 2 hours but silicone large ones work great for me! Maybe during a long haul like 5 hours and longer it may make a difference since they are softer but never had a problem with hurting my ears..
I've used Comply tips for awhile now, on my Jaybird X3's and then Run's. Better sound isolation, and longer term comfort while wearing them. Fast forward to now, and I've tried small, mediums and large Comply tips for the Beats X, on my PowerBeats...and they aren't any better than the standard silicone tips, in the box. Sort of weird and I'm not sure why unless Comply needs to make PowerBeats specific ones...or my ears are just whacked! lol.

Anyways, I tried the large silicone tips, included in PB's and that has made a huge difference in the sound quality, and volume. So for now, I'm using those...

Me too
[doublepost=1558661738][/doublepost]Ya I think I am going to go back to stock large. Loved those.
Ok so I’m using the comply ear tips for about an hour already. They are more comfortable in the ears... however I do notice the bass being noticeably weaker. I believe it’s because of the way they fit in the ears and don’t seal as well as the stock ear tips. Everyone has different ears so other people may have different results.

I’m also thinking that since these are foam, they will absorb sweat and these will be nasty AF if you work out with these.
I was hoping the Comply foam tips would provide a better seal unfortunately they don’t. The large original tips are the best at creating a seal with less leakage.
Look, I'm sure they are terrific for many people, the reviews are all very good and that many people can't be wrong. However, like the original poster I found the Comply tips (I ordered the 3 pack of S, M, L Sports Pro tips for Beats) to be loose feeling and allow far more sound in than the stock tips with my Powerbeats Pro resulting in lower sound quality and less bass. For reference I normally wear the medium size silicone tips included standard on the Powerbeats Pro and the larger size also seems to work well for me. Overall I am much happier with the stock tips but I'm still glad I tried the Comply.
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Yup, I have concluded stock headphones sound way better. Comply headphones aren't THAT much more comfortable. Also, it's not worth the sacrifice in sound quality. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I know these things will be nasty after working out with these from all the sweat. At least the silicone ones are easy to wash off.

Save your $20 folks.
I used to use these on my previous earphones and really liked them. I've always had issues with silicon ones not staying in my ears and just slide out not matter what size i use. I bought some Brainwavz Blu-100 earphones that included some Comply ones and they were great so used them up until the headphones broke.
I've used comply foam tips for years. always worked well when running/sweating and had no issues. silicone tips would fall out and make my ears sore. ymmv
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