If Bose bar has HDMI input:
- AppleTV HDMI out to Samsung TV HDMI in.
- Samsung TV eARC HDMI out to Bose HDMI in.
- Turn on CEC if it is not default on in the 3 devices and "automation" should work just fine.
Option 2: If Bose has HDMI input
and output:
- AppleTV HDMI out to Bose HDMI in.
- Bose HDMI out to Samsung HDMI in.
If neither work/can work (lack of ports, old ports, etc)...
Option 3: Buy yourself a little box (
example) that will split HDMI video from HDMI audio (often called HDMI extractor) or mix in a A/V Receiver to cover this "split":
- AppleTV HDMI out to HDMI Extractor in.
- Extractor HDMI audio out to Bose HDMI in.
- Extractor HDMI video out to Samsung HDMI in.
Option 4: If Bose has no HDMI in- only optical:
- AppleTV HDMI out to HDMI Extractor or Receiver.
- Extractor optical audio out to Bose optical in.
- Extractor HDMI video out to Samsung HDMI in.
One of these options should work for you and cover the "automate" wish.
Over time, as you replace TV and/or Soundbar, you can move up to the top of this group (option 1) and utilize as little as just 2 good HDMI cables: AppleTV to TV to Soundbar.
As to remote issues: get yourself a universal remote and program sound control (volume button) to control the Bose volume, most of the rest of the buttons to control AppleTV... unless you have OTHER sources beyond only AppleTV. If so, get a remote with "mode" buttons so you can assign AppleTV to something like AUX or STRM button, cable/satt to a cable/satt button, disc player to a disc button, etc.
But again, once you get a newer TV and/or soundbar, option 1 will work with
any remote (AppleTVs or the TVs remote).
And it's possible- maybe even probable- your existing TV's remote has some mode buttons so you can dodge buying a universal and let
it be the universal remote. Just look for some mode buttons something like the picture shown above.