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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 30, 2017
i have an old imac connected to my network, i have access to all files : I would like to use it like a web server (developing web site). As I can't access directly to it (no screen), what can I do to run app on it or change this imac network sharing preferences (can't connect with ssh, and remote dsktop must be disable...).



Feb 19, 2008
The Finger Lakes Region
If you making a Web site to access outside your network then you will have to get a business web access to your location because you are contracted to your ISP Home account doesn’t allow that!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 30, 2017
I don't want an access outside of my network, in fact, what I just need is to use this imac with no display via my imac connected to the same network. I have an admin access and can browse all the files, but i would like to install and run a local server on it : the problem is i don't have ssh allowed access or screen sharing.... How can I manage that ?


Staff member
Feb 21, 2012
New Jersey Pine Barrens
Sorry, don't have any ideas for what you want to do. But have you looked at MAMP? I have been using it for web development for a few years and it's great, you can install it on your other (working) Mac. The free version really does all the important things, I only recently upgraded to Pro for a few special features (which, frankly, I could have done without).

[edit] Just remembered, a couple weeks ago a friend had the graphics card go bad on his iMac (although it might have been some other kind of display issue). He was able to still use it by plugging in an external monitor however, so if you haven't already tried that, it might be worth checking out.
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