Besides the fact that you need an adaptor, does it matter for performance or anything else if you get a monitor that accepts usb-C over one that only has the HDMI or other connections?
I connect mine using a USB-C to HDMI cable on a monitor that only has HDMI and DisplayPort connections. The bigger hit on performance isn't the connection itself, but the resolution of the external monitor. A QHD or 4K monitor would have a bigger performance hit than FHD (1080p) monitors because of the integrated videocard having to drive more pixels.
The biggest benefit of a USBC monitor vs HDMI or DisplayPort is that a USBC monitor may supply power to the MBA, and may also serve as a USB hub, thus giving you a single-cable-docking solution of sorts. Specifics of course will depend on the monitor.
I have a 2018 MacBook Air. When using it with a HP Envy 4K 27” monitor and USB-C to USB-C - it connects at 2560x1600. When using USB-C to DP, it connects at the proper scaled resolutions
Does it mean that the 2018 MBA cannot use USB-C? I have a 2017 tMBP that works perfectly with this monitor and USB-C