I believe you are right here. The switch, even with whatever little benefit it offers me will introduce more hassle than it's worth. I could deal with the break it gives me with random people, but the disconnect with my kid is difficult for me. ATT has a deal now where I can get the P9PXL for "free" over 36 months upgrading a line. I'll be keeping line active over that time as it's an active line, so the 36 month term isn't an issue. This is why I'm heavily considering it. Someone mentioned use my iPad for all things Apple and connecting with others the way I did with the phone. I think I may go get it, try it and if I just can't cope with it, return within the window. As for a second phone, I don't want to go that route because if I love it, I want it to be my daily and experience it all the time.
What Apple has done is pure genius. Once deep in their system, you're essentially locked in. That said, the across device communication is second to none.