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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 9, 2005
At the Airport. UK
hey guys, a little advice needed:

i have a quite established iPhoto library of over 6,000 images now, and a select few of them have been complemented upon by close friends and family, etc. i have seen works in photography shop windows of comaprable quality / style, and am considering trying to sell a few of the photos. im not going to go into any grandioso business plan here, i just wondered if anyone had any advice to give with regards to selling individual pictures on a small scale. many of the images are macro based, and some feature product brands, etc (copyright considerations maybe?). most of them are of natural objects though.

any advice on the best way to go about this would be more than helpful, as this is my first foray into this stuff and i'm kind of a newbie!:eek:


EDIT: ill post a few sample pics if it becomes necessary.



macrumors 68020
Jun 29, 2004
Your first step is to determine your method for printing.

I'm currently testing out, which I've heard is a very professional service. If you want me to post here with results, I'd be happy to.

Once you have some prints, I'd take them to galleries and ask if they'd like to buy a few. You could also try to sell at public events like Sunday markets (You tend to see a bunch of indy photographers at community markets).

As long as your prints are of high enough quality, your prices are reasonable, and you represent yourself well, I think you'll achieve your goal.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 9, 2005
At the Airport. UK
that sounds good, but as you say, finding a good print service can be quite hard....i think the best thing to do is have a look around. if you do get the prints, i would appreciate a post displaying the results:D




macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2004
Many peers I know use WHCC, as well as myself. If you are a pro shooting digital, they offer great service and FREE 2-day return shipping (minimum order of $12 for everything). I can't recommend them enough.

Pistol Pete

macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2005
what do these compnanys have over iphotos order service?

20x30 print for $23

which doesnt seem too bad.

i checked out WHCC as mentioned and they are a bit more...better quality?


macrumors 6502a
May 22, 2002

I highly recommend I use it extensively as a designer and the photographer I work with in my company often releases extra shots as stock photos on the site. Decent commission rates and if you work exclusively through them the rate increases.

I guess this sounds a little like a commercial but I really like iStockPhoto and I think it's atleast worth a look.


macrumors 68020
Jun 29, 2004
mox358 said:
I highly recommend I use it extensively as a designer and the photographer I work with in my company often releases extra shots as stock photos on the site. Decent commission rates and if you work exclusively through them the rate increases.

I guess this sounds a little like a commercial but I really like iStockPhoto and I think it's atleast worth a look.
What's the pricing model for iStockPhoto? Do they pay you for the photo, or do you have the opportunity to upload it and then they'll sell it for you? Also, by handing photos over to them, are you forfeiting all your rights to the photos?
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