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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 26, 2014
Slatersville RI
I recently upgraded the OS to High Sierra 10.13.3 on my mid-2010 iMac and, for the most part, all seems to be working relatively well considering the computer's age. The one real issue I have is that when I open Contacts. The Contacts menu bar appears but the window with the contacts does not. I get the dreaded spinning beach ball and the app has to be force quit.

I have tried running Disk Utility First Aid but that didn't help.

I tried running in Safe Mode and that didn't help either.

I tried not including it in iCloud to no avail.

Not sure what else I can try to get Contacts to appear. Can anyone help me? Thanks!
Where are all your contacts stored, iCloud? I would say first unsync contacts, or even log out of iCloud all together, reboot, then log back in and see if issue is resolved. If not, log out of any accounts that would be syncing contacts, then go into your user library folder, then preferences, and delete any .plist files pertaining to contacts, reboot, log back in, then see if it still happens. If it does make a test user account, aka a new fresh user, sign in to relevant accounts and see if it happens in the test user as well. Report back when you can.
If above methods fail, you can boot to Recovery (CMD+R) and re-install the OS. Don't reformat the drive, just proceed to re-install the OS. All apps, files, settings, etc are preserved but all system files and apps are re-installed. So, if the Contacts app is corrupt for some reason, this would tend to fix the app.

As others have said, when you disable contacts in iCloud settings, then re-enable it, it will rebuild the contacts DB from the cloud stored contacts. Or, for a cleaner reset, logging out of iCloud will give you the option to flush everything from your Mac and then re-sync. The sign out approach will create an archive of iCloud documents in your user docs path, then create a new iCloud docs folder, so if space is limited, remove the archive after re-syncing everything.
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