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Original poster
Dec 3, 2003
So I picked up a Series 1 Apple Watch back in late March for $209 from Best Buy. A later Wal-Mart sale brought that price down to $179, prior to tax obviously.

I'm currently debating whether or not I should spring for Applecare and if its even worthwhile on my Series 1 purchase. Now I'm a staunch defender of Applecare typically and it's saved my butt twice in the past, most significantly with a 2008 iMac which up and died completely--Apple replaced it wholesale with a brand new 2010 iMac. I've purchased Applecare on every Apple computer and iPhone I've owned going all the way back to 2003.

As far as I can tell Applecare is $50, and if any physical damage occurs the repair fee is $70 on top of that, meaning that a broken watch technically costs $120 to repair, just $60 shy of what I paid for the watch in the first place. At that price point I'm rather tempted to just buy a second watch and stash it away as a backup. (Especially if they happen to drop lower than $179, which has happened in the past.)

Any thoughts on the matter? If it was a Series 3 watch Applecare is a no-brainer as those have never been below the $340 price point (in 42mm) as far as I can tell, but in my current situation I'm not so sure.
Well I say this coming from the perspective of NEVER having bought Apple Care (except I think on my first macbook back in 2007)...But yeah I think your facts speak for themselves. Especially when you consider the fact that if you do need/use apple care it would likely be in 1-2 years, in which case you'd certainly be better off just buying a more up-to-date model
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macrumors 68000
Sep 12, 2008
Northumberland, UK
I didn’t get Apple care on my S0 or S1 but did on my S3 LTE....

In your case I definitely wouldn’t bother. Just spend the 180-200 on a new watch IF you break it.

(Don’t buy one and put it away, that’s worse than just paying for AppleCare)
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 5, 2010
Philly Suburbs, PA
I wouldn't... you're forking over $50 to what... MAYBE save $50 down the road? Cost of the series 1 is only going to get cheaper anyway. Buy a new one if you ever need to, and if you don't that's $50 saved.


Original poster
Dec 3, 2003
If I were to buy a second watch for future use, do I need to buy Applecare within 60 days of its purchase or within 60 days of its "activation"? (Breaking the seal on the box and powering the watch on for the first time.)


Jul 12, 2016
If I were to buy a second watch for future use, do I need to buy Applecare within 60 days of its purchase or within 60 days of its "activation"? (Breaking the seal on the box and powering the watch on for the first time.)

Once you purchase the Apple Watch, you have exactly 60 days from the date of your purchase to add AppleCare.

Look at the bottom of the webpage where it says “Important notes”:


Original poster
Dec 3, 2003
Got about six hours left to make the decision. Leaning heavily towards passing on Applecare, but I'd love any last minute efforts to change my mind.


Jul 12, 2016
Got about six hours left to make the decision. Leaning heavily towards passing on Applecare, but I'd love any last minute efforts to change my mind.

I would ask yourself how much do you think Applecare would benefit you when you least expect it? But if it was me, I would opt for it, being how much the Apple Watch is prone to damage being its on your wrist and it seems others who have opted for Applecare, are glad they did.
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