Hey everyone,
So I was in my photography class today, and it was near the end of the period; nobody was using the backdrop/lighting, so I decided to take some nice shots of my iBook G4.
Doesn't look the best, since I was using my iPhone 4s to take the shots, but the backdrop and lighting still gave it a great effect. I'd love to see how it would look with a real camera. Anyway, I used my iBook G4 and then took out one of the Macintosh Classic IIs (which I will hopefully be receiving from my teacher soon), and took some shots of that. I think one of these would definitely be a nice wallpaper!
Sadly, out of the several photos, I only deemed three of them as being worthy.
I don't think anyone would actually make that Classic II their wallpaper, but if so, remember where you got it from!
Let me know what you think about these...
So I was in my photography class today, and it was near the end of the period; nobody was using the backdrop/lighting, so I decided to take some nice shots of my iBook G4.
Sadly, out of the several photos, I only deemed three of them as being worthy.
I don't think anyone would actually make that Classic II their wallpaper, but if so, remember where you got it from!
Let me know what you think about these...